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In order to make clear the infiuence of sodium oxide upon the formation and crystal structure of tricalcium silicate solid solution produced in the system CaO-Si0_2-Al_20_3-Fe_2O_3,tricalcium silicate solid solution was prepared by heating the mixture of guaranteed reagents of calcium carbonate, silicic anhydride, sodium carbonate, and liquid, the composition of which is represented by the formula 6 CaO・xAl_2O_3・yFe_2O_3 (x+y=3). The process and the rate of formation of tricalcium silicate solid solution was discus-sed on the base of the results of free lime analysis and optical observation. The ordinary and high temperature X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, infra-red absorption spectra and alkali analysis were employed for the determination of crystal structure. The results obtained are summarized as follows : ( I ) Tricalcium silicate solid solution were formed approximately above 1300℃. The process of the formation was not the solid state reaction but it was proceeded by the diffusion of calcium ion and silicate ion through the liquid phase. The diposition of calcium and silicate ion occurred the neighbour of dicalcium silicate solid solution accompa-nying with the formation of the zonal structure of tricalcium silicate solid solution. ( 2 ) Rate of the formation of tricalcium silicate solid solution was accelerated with the increase of the quantities of liquid phase as well as the rising of the burning tempe-rature which was retarded by the addition of sodium carbonate. No tricalcium silicate solid solution was formed from the batch containing more than 2% Na_2O. Remarkable retarda-tion of the rate of the formation of tricalcium silicate solid solution by the addition of sodium carbonate was recognized in case of low burning temperature.( 3 ) The rate of formation of dicalcium silicate solid solution was accelerated by the sodium oxide, and initially formed β-2 CaO・SiO_2 at 1300℃ changed to α-modification with prolonged burning time. ( 4 ) Solubility limit of ferric oxide in tricalcium silicate lattice is considered to be about 2% without giving remarkable change in crystal structure, and it changed to mono-clinic form by the dissolution of sodium oxide. ( 5 ) The crystal structure of tricalcium silicate solid solution with aluminum oxide and ferric oxide retained the triclinic form until 0.25〜0.3% of sodium oxide dissolved into tricalcium silicate lattice. ( 6 ) The change of X-ray diffraction pattern by the dissolution of minour constituents was discussed in the system 3CaO・SiO_2-Na_2O, 3CaO・SiO_2-Al_2O_3-Na_2O, CaO-SiO_2-Fe_2O_3-Na_2O and CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-Fe_2O_3-Na_2O. [Received January 13,1962]
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1962-07-01
- メルヴィナイトの構造解析
- セメントの凝結, 初期水和過程に及ぼすCaOの混合粉砕の効果
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- MgO-Al_O_3系固相反応におけるスピネル反応層のエッチングによる研究
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- アルミナセメントクリンカー組成化合物相のキャラクタライゼーション
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- MgO-Al_2O_3系欠陥スピネル中のMg^, Al^相互拡散係数の測定とスピネル生成速度の解析
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- 3 CaO・SiO_2-Na_2O系固溶体およびアルカリ含有量が異なるポルトランドセメント中のアリットの水和反応
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- 5 X 線分析
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- X線マイクロアナライザーの窯業への応用
- けい光X線分析法による酸素の分析(速報)
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- 保谷硝子武蔵野工場見学記