- 論文の詳細を見る
Differing from the previous studies by various investigators, the present research concerns with the formation of hydrated sodium aluminosilicates by the water vapor-solid reactions. Sodium aluminosilicate phases, amorphous or crystalline with nepheline-carnegieite compositions, which were obtained by heating the mixtures, Al2O3⋅2SiO2⋅2H2O(kaolinite)+aNa2⋅CO3(a=1.00-2.00), up to various temperatures below 1300°C, were used as the starting solids. A silver capsule was filled with the starting solid and suspended above the liquid water in a Moley-type autoclave (Fig. 1). The bottom of the capsule was not sealed to allow the water vapor to penetrate into the capsule. The saturated water vapor pressure within the autoclave at 310°C is 100kg/cm2. This condition was used throughout the present experiments. Under this condition, the reaction may well be called a hydrothermal metamorphosis.As compared with the previous studies in which the thermodynamic equilibria are attained in the given homogeneous systems, the reactions in the present experiments start at the interfaces between the water vapor and the solid with a consequence that the reaction products are not necessarily equilibrated under the given experimental conditions. As the result, three sorts of hydrated phases, hydroxy-sodalite, nepheline hydrate I, and species Y (a new phase of the composition, Na2O⋅Al2O3⋅2SiO2 1.33-1.5 H2O, which has not been found in the previous hydrothermal studies), were formed during 1-7 days run according to the nature of the starting solid phases. Correlations among the starting solids and the resulting hydrates are summarized in Table 2 and Fig. 2. In the table the first three columns stand for the preparation of starting solids and the forth the duration of metamorphosis, the fifth the products under the respective experimental conditions.During the hydrothermal treatment, grains of the original solids as shown in the electron microphotographs of Figs. 3 (a)-(c), changed to well-shaped crystallites of the hydrates, nepheline hydrate I and species Y, as shown in Figs. 4(a)-(c), except hydroxysodalite which was formed only in massive grains. Considerable amount of water molecules may have been adsorbed on the surface of solid to gelatinize the surface and eventually to recrystallize the solid into the hydrate crystallites. The original structural framework may still be retained to some extent under these conditions. The metastable phase formation in this experiment will be treated from this point of view in a following paper.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1967-05-01
- メルヴィナイトの構造解析
- ムライト組成 Al_2O_3-SiO_2 原料の加熱によるムライト生成における鉱化剤の役割
- アルミナの熱水反応における不純物の影響
- MgO-Al_O_3系固相反応におけるスピネル反応層のエッチングによる研究
- MgO-Al_2O_3系固相反応における反応界面の現象とスピネル層の配向
- アルミナセメントクリンカー組成化合物相のキャラクタライゼーション
- MgO-Al_2O_3系接合固相反応のトポタキシー
- ηアルミナの作製とその結晶構造
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- スピネル固溶体の離溶現象の焼結への応用
- 欠陥スピネルMgO・nAl_3O_3結晶の精密測定とその固溶領域
- η-スピネル固溶体の準安定領域
- 固相反応による生成したスピネル層中の2層の分離比
- MgO-Al_2O_3系スピネル生成反応における酸素の役割
- スパーク放電形質量分析計による固体酸化物中の酸素-18の分析
- 合成ワラストナイトとそれからつくられた成形体
- MgO-Al_2O_3系スピネル生成固相反応における諸現象
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- 空位濃度匂配のある多粒子系拡散の熱力学的考察
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- ゾノトライトスラリーとそれからつくられた成形体 : 工業用珪酸カルシウム水和物に関する研究(第1報)
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- CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-Fe_2O_3系にNa_2Oを添加した場合の3CaO・SiO_2固溶体の生成反応と結晶構造
- 3 CaO・SiO_2-Na_2O系固溶体およびアルカリ含有量が異なるポルトランドセメント中のアリットの水和反応
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