Subarachnoid and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Associated with Necrotizing Angiitis Due to Methamphetamine Abuse : An Autopsy Case
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The authors report an autopsy case of methamphetamine-related intracranial hemorrhage and vasculitis. A 22-year-old female was comatose after an intravenous injection of an unknown dose of methamphetamine. Computed tomographic scans demonstrated massive subarachnoid hemorrhage and hematoma in the corpus callosum. Cerebral angiography revealed nonfilling of bilateral intracranial carotid arteries and extravasation of contrast medium from the right pericallosal artery which was visualized retrogradely via the vertebral artery. Postmortem studies found cerebral edema, subarachnoid, intraventricular, and intracerebral hemorrhage, and intracranial vasculitis, but no aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation. Necrosis of vessel walls with destruction of the smooth muscle layer, but no leukocytotic infiltration of the vessel walls were observed in all major cerebral arteries. The hemorrhage probably resulted from medial necrosis in the large intracerebral vessels, and a sudden drug-induced rise in blood pressure.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1991-01-15
森 和夫
Mori Kazuo
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagasaki University School Of Medicine:yamaguchi Prefectual Hospital
Shibata Shobu
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagasaki University School Of Medicene
Shibata Shobu
Department Of Neurosurgery
Shibata Shobu
Departments Of Neurosurgery Atomic Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Department of Molecular Pathology, Division of Scientific Data Registry, Atomic Bomb Disease Institu
Mori Kazuo
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Mie University
Sekine Ichiro
Departments Of Legal Medicine Atomic Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
SUYAMA Hirofumi
Department of Pathology, Atomic Disease Institute, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Suyama Hirofumi
Department Of Pathology Atomic Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Sekine Ichiro
Department Of Molecular Pathology Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagaski University School Of Medicin
Mori Kazuo
Department Of Clinical Pharmacy Oita Medical University
Mori Kazuo
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Mori Kazuo
Departments Of Neurosurgery Atomic Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Sekine Ichiro
Department Of Molecular Pathology Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
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