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二種類の試料蛋白(BSA と human IgG) を塩基化した後^<125>Iを標識して妊娠末期 rat へ投与し, 荷電依存性の母児間の barrier につき定量的に検討した. 試料蛋白を動注した15分から60分後における, その蛋白の血中濃度に対する chorioallantoic placenta と fetus における濃度の割合は, 塩基化 (陽性荷電となるように化学修飾) した蛋白が native な (陰性または中性に荷電) 蛋白より有意に多かった. これらの蛋白の yolk sac placenta での割合は, 塩基化蛋白と native な蛋白ではほとんど変わらなかった. 試料蛋白を chorioallantoic placenta へ局注した場合, その5分後または60分後には塩基化蛋白が chorioallantoic placenta と fetus に native な蛋白より有意に多く局在した. それとは対照的に, yolk sac placenta での局在は塩基化蛋白と native な蛋白でほとんど変わらなかった. 以上より母体から胎児への蛋白の移行, とりわけ chorioallantoic placenta を介する移行にその蛋白の荷電状態が著しく影響を与えることから, 母児間に荷電依存性の barrier が存在すると考えられた.
- 1990-12-01
TANAKA Kenichi
Department of Physics, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
山崎 一郎
Oite Takashi
Department Of Cellular Physiology Institute Of Nephrology Niigata Unviersity School Of Medicine
Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Nephrology, Niigata University School of Medicine
Oite Takashi
Department Of Immunology Institute Of Nephrology Niigata University School Of Medicine
Oite Takashi
Department Of Cellular Physiology Institute Of Nephrology Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Scie
山崎 一郎
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Niigata University School of Medicine
TAKEUCHI Shoshichi
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Shimizu Fujio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Takeuchi Shoshichi
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Niigata University School Of Medicine
Takeuchi Shoshichi
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Teikyo University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Fujio
Department Of Immunology Institute Of Nephrology Niigata University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Kenichi
Department Of Physics School Of Medicine Sapporo Medical University
Tanaka Kenichi
Department Of Anesthesiology Emory University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Kenichi
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Niigata University School Of Medicine
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