Nonlinear Elastic Network Model of Swelling Gels
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In this paper we present a nonlinear elastic network model of swelling gets that isnumerically simulated. We show three qualitative results: selection of the length scalecharacterizing deformation on a free surface, generation of cusp singularity accompanied by a folded region on the free surface, and the occurrence of internal deformaLion patterns between fixed boundaries.get, surface, pattern, elastic, instability, swelling, network, cusp, Hertz
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1988-08-15
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
Sekimoto Ken
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Sekimoto Ken
Department Of Physics And Astronomy University Of Pittsburgh
Kawasaki Kyozi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
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