Conductance of Normal-Superconductor Contacts Due to the Andreev Reflection
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Low-bias conductance of impure normal-superconductor contacts is studiedtheoretically in the linvit of the small Andreev reflection probability. Its dependenceon both magnetic field and temperature is obtained. In the calculation, we focus ourattention on the interference effect between an electron and a hole that is suggested tobe significant by van Wees et al. It is shown that the conductance is sensitively sup-pressed by a magnetic field or temperature.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-10-15
TAKANE Yositake
Department of Quantum Matter, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University
EBISAWA Hiromichi
Department of Engineering Science,Tohoku University
Takane Yositake
Department Of Physical Electronics Hiroshima University
Ebisawa Hiromichi
Department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Takane Yositake
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
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- Dephasing of the Quantum Interference Effect in Open Ballistic Billiards(Condensed Matter : Electronic Strucuture, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- Mesoscopic Fluctuations of the DC Josephson Current in a Dirty SNS Junction
- Numerical Study on Josephson-Current Fluctuations in a Dirty SNS Junction : The Effect of Incomplete Andreev Reflection
- Fluctuations of the DC Josephson Current in a Superconductor-Normal Conductor-Superconductor Junction
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- Magnetoconductance in Open Stadium Billiard : Quantum Analogue of Transition from Chaos to Tori
- Conductance of Normal-Superconductor Contacts Due to the Andreev Reflection
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- Influence of Small-Angle Diffraction on the Ballistic Conductanse Fluctuations in Chaotic Billiards
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- Linear Response Theory in the Vortex State of Dirty Type-II Superconductors
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- A Remark on the Flux-Flow Resistivity of Dirty Type-II Superconductors
- Asymptotic Behavior of the Conductance in Disordered Wires with Perfectly Conducting Channels(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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- Quasiclassical Theory of the Josephson Effect in Ballistic Graphene Junctions
- Phase Relaxation Time in Open Chaotic Billiards
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- Anomalous Behavior of the Dephasing Time in Open Diffusive Cavities
- Josephson Current through a Metallic Carbon Nanotube in the Conductance-Quantization Regime (Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Phase Slip in Mesoscopic Charge-Density-Wave Systems
- Conductance Fluctuations in Disordered Wires with Perfectly Conducting Channels
- Conductance of Disordered Wires with Symplectic Symmetry : Comparison between Odd- and Even-Channel Cases(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Dephasing due to Spin-Wave Excitations in Ferromagnetic Metals (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Unified Description of Dirac Electrons on a Curved Surface of Topological Insulators