Effects of Coulomb Interaction on the Density of States in Open Chaotic Billiards
- 論文の詳細を見る
The density of states (DOS) in open chaotic Tcilliards is sttmdied semiclassically in the presenceof Cotrlon'xb inter?tction. Tlae exchan"e ?tnd Hartree corrections to the DOS as a function ofenergy s relative to the Ferrni energy are ca[ctr1ated at zero tenaperature including higher-orderunteraction effects, It is shown that the DOS decreases with increasing ?e? in the low-energyregime and begins to increase arotrnd IEI ; t;', xvYxere ZB is the classicatl esc;rpe tirne, Fort?"< l?e?, a logarithrnic increase of the DOS is shown to 2lPl)(2211. This anonaa[otrs s-dependenceis dtue to comajcetition betxveen the exchange ?tnd Hartree corrections.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-01-15
Takane Yositake
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
TAKANE Yositake
Department of Applied Physics,Osaka City University
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