Quasi-Particle Band Structure and Gapless Soperconductivity in the Vortex-Lattice State
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The qtrasi-particle spectrutn for .s-wave superconductors in the vortex-lattice state remainsgapless in magnetic fields mtnch below the upper critical field H.,z where the cyclotron frequencyis smaller than the amplitude of the pair potential. This is shown throttgh self-consistet?t solutionsof the Bogoliubov-de Gennes eqtrations for the attractive Httbbard model on the square lattice.It has not been predicted in earlier theoretical works based on a continuotts model because it isdue to the dispersion of Landatr subbands in the lattice model.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-04-15
Institute for Molecular Science
EBISAWA Hiromichi
Department of Engineering Science,Tohoku University
NISHINO Takayuki
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
Ebisawa Hiromichi
Department Of Computer And Mathematical Sciences Graduate School Of Information Sciences
Ebisawa Hiromichi
Department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Nishino Takayuki
Department Of Computer And Mathematical Sciences Graduate School Of Information Sciences
Nishio Takayuki
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,Graduate School of Information Sciences
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