Numerical Study on Transition Point of Relaxed Mode for Reversed Field Pinch with Partial Loss of Helicity
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Numerical study on the transition point of the relaxed mode for the f3=0 reversedfield pinch plasma is presented, where the relaxed state is expressed by jt.j=)(,g(y)Bwith various profiles of g(y). let is shown that the smallest positive eigenvalue in thefirst order approximation, which gives the transition point, increases gradually as thegay) profile deviates further from y(p): 1 for the idealized ntodel by Taylor [J. B.Taylor: Rev. Mod. Phys. 58 (1986) 741]. It is shown that the prc:sent numerical resultson the transition point become closer to the relevant experirnental data comparedwith the idealized case obtained by Taylor. The numerical results arc also shown tooffer a mechanism which yields a profile consistency on the experimental g( p) profile.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-03-15
島田 敏宏
Yagi Y
Energy Technology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technolog
Yagi Yasuyuki
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Shimada T
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Ogawa K
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University:(present Address)tokyo Metrop
Ogawa K
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ogawa Kiyoshi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
KONDOH Yoshiomi
Department of Electronic Engineering, Gunma University
Kondoh Y
Department Of Electronic Engineering Gunma University
Kondoh Yoshiomi
Department Of Electrical Engineering College Of Technology Gunma University
Takeuchi N
Department Of Electrical Engineering Tohoku University
Takeuchi Nobunao
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Universicy
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Yamaguchi Satarou
Mitsubishi Fusion Center,Mitsubishi Electric Co.
Yagi Y
Energy Technology Research Institute (etri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Te
Yagi Yasuyuki
Energy Technology Research Institute (ETRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
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