Parametric Studies of a 13.56-MHz RF-Discharge-Pumped CO_2 Laser with Wide-Area Cylindrical Slab Geometry
Department of Physics, Tokai University
山口 滋
山口 滋
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University:(present Address)tokyo Metrop
Yamaguchi Shigeru
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Department of Urology, Kyoto University School of Medicine
Ohishi Kenji
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Fujioka Tomoo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Keio University
Fujioka Tomoo
Department Of Physics Tokai University
Yamaguchi Shigeru
Department Of Physics Tokai University
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Miyakawa Naoomi
Department Of Physics Tokai University
Yamaguchi Shigeru
Department Of Neurosurgery Graduate School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
YAHAGI Sinichiro
Central Research Laboratory
Yamaguchi Shigeru
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Ehime Universiry
大石 憲司
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Fujioka Tomoo
Department of Physics, Tokai University
- Laser Original 高繰り返しパルスファイバレーザーの開発 (「国内におけるファイバレーザー開発の進展」特集号)
- Linearly Polarized 100-kW-Peak-Power Pulsed Fiber Laser with a Novel Master Oscillator
- 101 レーザによるTi系合金の表面改質(表面改質)
- 328 YAGレーザによるTiAlの表面改質(レーザモニタリング)
- 444 レーザによる TiAl 金属間化合物の表面改質
- 401 TiAl金属間化合物のレーザ表面改質
- 248 CO_2レーザによるTiAl金属問化合物の表面改質
- 116 TiAlのCO_2 レーザ溶接(第2報)
- 134 TiAlのCO_2レーザ溶接
- Optically Pumped Blue-Green Laser Operation Above Room-Temperature in Zn_Cd_Se-ZnS_Se_ Multiple Quantum Well Structures Grown by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- 25pYK-3 ジクロロベンゼン分子の電子遷移強度解析
- YAGレーザ第5高調波によるサファイヤの微細加工
- Melanocytic medulloblastoma with ganglioneurocytomatous differentiation : A case report
- CO_2スラブレーザーにおける小信号利得の空間分布測定
- 「時間分解レーザー計測の最近の進展」解説小特集号によせて
- テラワット2サイクルパルスの発生と高次高調波変換
- CS-4-1 レーザを用いた微量ガス計測技術(CS-4.波長域が広がるレーザ技術とその応用〜「新波長レーザ」のシーズとニーズの融合に向けて〜,シンポジウムセッション)
- 高機能レーザー光源のガスセンシングへの応用 : 中赤外差周波光源を中心にして
- 「期待される波長可変中赤外レーザーデバイス」解説小特集号によせて
- レーザーブレイクダウンにより生じる水中マイクロバブル生成過程計測
- 分極反転デバイスによる中赤外光源を用いたガスモニタリング
- LAMP2006開催報告
- 「レーザーによる環境微量物質の計測」解説小特集号によせて
- 「燃焼・流体の先端研究におけるレーザーセンシング技術の動向」解説小特集号によせて
- Electronic Structure of Protonic Conductor SrTi_Sc_O_3 Probed by Soft-X-ray Spectroscopy
- Electronic Structure of Ce_Nd_xO_ Probed by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Unoccupied Electronic State of SrTi_Nb_xO_3 Observed by Inverse-Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Evidence of O-H Bond in the Bulk State of Protonic Conductor Y-Doped SrCeO_3 by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Band Structure of TiO_2-Doped Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Probed by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Ce-O Hybridization Effect of Protonic Conductor SrCe_Y_xO_ Observed by Resonant-Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Performance Comparison of Real-Time Laser Absorption Spectrometers for NH_3 Detection at 1.54 and 3.03μm in a H_2O Vapor Mixture
- Measurements of NO_2 Concentration with Wide Dynamic Range Based on Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Using a Multi-Pass Optical Cell : Effects of Ambient Temperature Change at the Optical Cell
- Parametric Studies on Improved Laser Cutting Performance of Magnesium Alloy with Two Flow Nozzles
- Trace Methane Detection Based on Raman Spectroscopy Using a High Finesse Optical Resonator
- Performance Characteristics of Power Build-Up Cavity for Raman Spectroscopic Measurement
- Yb Fiber Laser Pumped Mid-IR Source Based on Difference Frequency Generation and Its Application to Ammonia Detection
- レーザー誘起蛍光法を用いた有機化学物質の検出
- Theoretical Analysis of a Radio Frequency Excited Slab CO_2 Laser
- レーザー切断時のカーフ内気流の観察
- 中赤外 Optical Multi-channel Analyzer の開発
- Spatially Resolved Gain Measurements of a Slab Type RF Excited CO_2 Laser
- 安定共振器を伴った不安定共振器
- 高速度撮影によるレーザー切断現象の研究
- レーザ焼入れに関する研究
- CO_2スラブ型レーザーの small signal gain 空間分布
- フォワードモードとバックワードモードが結合した共振器
- An Experimental Investigation of the Novel Unstable Resonator with a Stable Resonator Core
- レーザ切断におけるカーフ内気流の観察
- レーザ厚板切断におけるカーフ内流れの観察
- Microscopic Investigation of Al_Ga_N on Sapphire
- Anisotropic Dielectric Constants of Bi_2Sr_2(CaY_x)Cu_2O_(x=0.0,0.6)Single Crystals in 0.5-5.0 eV Region
- Effects of Ce Doping on Electronic Structures of Ln_Ce_xCuO_4 (Ln=Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) Studied by Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Valence States of Rare-Earth Ions in RERuSn_3 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) and Related Compounds Studied by Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Nd_Ce_xCuO_4 and La_Sr_xCuO_4
- Optical Absorption of Gas Phase C_ and C_
- RF放電励起スラブ炭酸ガスレーザー媒質中の温度計測
- 半導体レーザー外部共振器による微量可燃性ガス検出に関する研究
- レーザー吸収分光用円筒型マルチパスセルの光学特性
- 円筒型マルチパスセルを用いた簡易型NO_2計測装置の研究
- 微量ガス検出用中赤外差周波光源に関する研究
- レーザーを利用したダイオキシン検知
- 25aYN-1 凹面鏡の中心部に出力口を設けた共焦点型不安定共振器の出力ビーム形状
- 多種ガス検出用複合共振器(Power build-up cavity, PBC)の基礎研究
- 吸収剤塗布によるレーザー焼入れの特性
- CO_2スラブ型レーザーにおける小信号利得の空間分布
- Protonic Conduction in the Single Crystal of Sc-Doped SrZrO_3
- Ti-O Hybridization Effect of Lightly La-doped SrTiO_3 Observed by Resonant-Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Electronic Structure in the Bulk State of Protonic Conductor CaZrO_3 by Resonant Soft-X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction Intensity Oscillations during the Growth of ZnSe on Cleaved GaAs(110) Surface by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Two-Dimensional Simulation of and Experiments on the Forward-Backward Modes Coupled Unstable Resonator
- 中赤外における時間分解Optical Multi-channel Analyzerの開発
- 環境計測用中赤外差周波技術
- 短パルスYAGレーザ高調波による高機能材料の微細加工
- 454 TiAlのレーザ表面改質
- 高速度カメラによるレーザ切断加工の観察
- The Effect of Isoelectronic In-Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of (Al)GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Effect on GaN/Al_Ga_N and Al_Ga_N/Al_Ga_N Quantum Wells by Isoelectronic In-Doping during Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Photoemission Study on Protonic Conductor CaZrO_3:Evidence of the Exchange Mechanism of Proton and Hole
- Transport Coefficients of Indium Antimonide in a Magnetic Field
- The Effect of Isoelectronic In-Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of (Al)GaN Grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Mosaic Structure of Ternary Al_In_xN Films on GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Structural Properties of Al_In_xN Ternary Alloys on GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- GaN Based Laser Diode with Focused Ion Beam Etched Mirrors
- Reduction of Etch Pit Density in Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy-Grown GaN on Sapphire by Insertion of a Low-Temperature-Deposited Buffer Layer between High-Temperature-Grown GaN
- Electrical Properties of Bromine-Doped Nickel (Phthalocyanine) Films and Their Structural Change : Chemistry (incl. physical process)
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of High-Quality AlInN/AlGaN Multiple Layers on GaN : Semiconductors
- Electronic Transport Properties of ZrTiO_4 at High Temperature ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Electronic Structure of 4d Transition Metal Compound ZrF_4 by Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Ti-O Hybridization Effect of Nb-Doped SrTiO_3 by Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Optical Investigations of Solid-Phase Crystallization of Si_Ge_x
- Performance Characteristics of Narrow Linewidth Fiber Laser Pumped Mid-IR Difference Frequency Mixing Light Source for Methane Detection
- レーザー オリジナル Development of a Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensor Based on Mid-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- Performance Characteristics of on Electron Beam Pumped XeF(C→A) Laser with Positive Branch Injection-Controlled Unstable Resonators
- Ruptured Distal Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysm Following Stereotactic Irradiation for Vestibular Schwannoma : Case Report
- High-Peak-Power Second-Harmonic Generation of Single-Stage Yb-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
- 高繰り返しパルスファイバレーザーの開発
- Parametric Studies of a 13.56-MHz RF-Discharge-Pumped CO_2 Laser with Wide-Area Cylindrical Slab Geometry
- キャビティリングダウン分光を用いた新しい油中ガス分析の検討
- Design Considerations of a RF-Pumped High-Power CO_2 Laser with a W-Axicon Type Optical Resonator
- 218206 小型ハイブリッドロケットの燃焼不安定に関する研究(一般04 熱力学・熱工学1)