Control of the Locked Mode in a Reversed-Field Pinch Plasma Using a Rotating Toroidal Field
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The locked mode (LM), which is locked both in phase and to the wall, is successfully controlled using a rotating toroidal field (RTF) in TPE-RX (large reversed-field pinch machine with $R/a$ = 1.72 m/0.45 m and plasma current $I_{\text{p}}$ up to 480 kA) at a low $I_{\text{p}}$ (${\sim}200$ kA) and high filling pressure (${\sim}0.8$ mTorr). It is demonstrated that the onset of the LM can be delayed or even eliminated by applying the RTF. Only the Fourier component with $m=0/n=1$ of the magnetic fluctuation exhibits rotation with the RTF, but other modes do not exhibit systematic movement synchronizing with the $m=0/n=1$ mode rotation. The phase relation between the $m=0/n=1$ mode and the other modes becomes random, which probably prevents the phases of the other modes from locking and results in the elimination of the LM. It is found, however, after the LM has taken place, it cannot be controlled by the RTF and hence an early start and fast rotation of the RTF are required for control. It is not possible to control the LM at a high $I_{\text{p}}$ (${\gtrsim}250$ kA), since the LM takes place from the early stage of discharge. Compared with discharges without the LM, plasma performance is degraded by the LM. The performance can be recovered by eliminating the LM with the RTF. However, the RTF itself degrades the plasma performance when applied to LM-free discharges with a RTF value comparable to that necessary for controlling the LM.
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2003-08-15
島田 敏宏
Yagi Y
Energy Technology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technolog
Koguchi H
Energy Technology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technolog
Koguchi Haruhisa
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Shimada T
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Hirano Y
Advanced Device Development Dept. Renesas Technology Corp.
Hirano Y
Energy Technology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technolog
Hirano Yoichi
Nuclear Fusion Plasma Group, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Koguchi Haruhisa
Nuclear Fusion Plasma Group, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Sakakita Hajime
Nuclear Fusion Plasma Group, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Shimada Toshio
Nuclear Fusion Plasma Group, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Yagi Yasuyuki
Nuclear Fusion Plasma Group, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Yagi Y
Energy Technology Research Institute (etri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Te
Sakakita H
Energy Technology Research Institute (etri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Te
Koguchi Haruhisa
Nuclear Fusion Plasma Group Energy Electronics Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
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