Successive Structural Phase Transitions in (CH_3)_3NHCdCl_3
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The successive structural phase transitions in a linear chain compound(CH.).NHCdCl. were studied by means of polarizing-microscopic observationsand X-ray and dilatometric measurements.The sequence of the structural phase transitions of (CH,)3NHCdCI. was foundto be,340 K370 KPbnm (l x V/3) +-e Pbnm (2 x V'3) --+ P63/m(3 x 3)335 - 360 KP2./m(3 x 2)+---The transition from the (1 x V'3) phase to the (2 x (3) phase was reversible,while the transition from the (2 x (3) phase to the (3 x 3) phase was irreversible.The transition from the (3 x 3) phase to the (3 x 2) phase was also reversible.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1983-12-15
SANO Koichi
Department of Toxicologic Pathology, Toxicology Research Laboratories, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co.,
佐野 和博
Sano K
Mie Univ. Mie
Faculty of Science,Niigata University
Sano Koichi
Department Of Microbiology Osaka Medical College
Department of Physics,Faculry of Sciense,Niigata University
Department of Physics,Faculry of Sciense,Niigata University
KAGA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics,Faculry of Sciense,Niigata University
Fukumoto T
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kobe University
Sano Kazuhiro
Faculty Of Pedagogy Mie University
Kaga Hiroyuki
Department Of Physics Faculry Of Sciense Niigata University
Kaga Hiroyuki
Department Of Physics And Materials Research Laboratory University Of Illinois :department Of Physic
Kashida S
Niigata Univ. Niigata
Kashida Shoji
Department Of Environmental Science Niigata University
Fukumoto Toshiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Niigata University:the Fukukawa Electric Co. Ltd
KAGA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics,Niigata University:Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California
Fukumoto Toshiro
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University
SANO Kazuhiro
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
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