Tunneling Rotation of Methyl-Groups and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time T_<1p> in the Rotating Frame
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate the quantum effect of CH.-group rotation on spin-lattice relaxation, Tn., the srin-lattice relaxation, time in the rotating frame, hasbeen measured in some methylbenzenes. The temperature dependence of T,showed the frectuencv inderendent minima which cannot be explained by theBPP theor>r. A model of 7'1/, has been r>rorosed considerinx the effect of quantumrotation. The frecuuencv inder>endent minima were interr>roted as the tunnelinsassisted minima. The tunneling frequencies of CH.-groups are determined to bel.0f0.l MHz at 74 K in r>entamethvlbenzene and 2.0i0.5 MHz at 60 K inhexamethylbenzene. The measurement of T3. gives a useful information of thequantum rotation which cannot be obtained by iT. measurement.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1981-07-15
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