On the Tunneling Resonance of Methyl-Protons at Low Temperature
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In order to calculate the spin-lattice relaxation time T3 of protons of CH.-group at low temperature, a model of relaxation which is available who;?t ')tH.r.>>1has been proposed, where H5 is the local dipolar field autd r. is the t;orrelatiouttime. Present calculation of Tg is closely related to that of the absorption spectraof protoua spins in which the non-secular part of the dipolar interaction is i?a-cluded. It is shown that the spin-lattice relaxation is caused by the taova-magneticOrbach process between the grouuad and first exited torsional stata:s. Presentmodel predicts that when the tuzaneling resonance occurs, T. is given by T. zr.,which is different from the result of the second-order calculation and the Haupttheory. The absorption spectra at the tunneling resonance has also beencalculated. The measurement of T. and absorption spectra at the tuntaelingresonance is useful to determiaae the precise value of the tunneling spljttingL
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1980-08-15
- NMR Study of ^1H in Hexagonal C14 Type Laves Phase Metal-Hydrogen System ZrCr_2H_:Diffusion and Korringa Relaxation of ^1H
- Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Protons in Ammonium Sulfate:Influence of the Natural Abundance of ^O Nucleus on T_
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of ^CI in NH_4CI and ND_4CI
- Anisotropy of T_ and T_ of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Four-Spin-1/2 System
- Nuclear Dipolar Relaxation in Four-Spin-1/2 Tetrahedral Group
- Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Dipolar Energy in Ammonium Salts
- Influence of the Naturally Abundant ^O on the Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time T_
- Tunneling Rotation of Methyl-Groups and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time T_ in the Rotating Frame
- A Model of T_1ρ for Tunneling Ammonium Ions
- NMR Study of the Dynamic Motion of Rare Spin ^O in Solids
- Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Proton in Ammonium Perchlorate:Effect of the Motion of Oxygen Atoms
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of ^2D via Rare Nuclear-Spin ^O in ND_4ClO_4 and Partially Deuterated NH_D_xClO_4
- Quantum Effect of Ammonium-Ion Rotation on ^N Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time
- On the Tunneling Resonance of Methyl-Protons at Low Temperature
- Low Field Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Rotating Frame: Quantum Effect of NH_4-Ion Rotation