3C14 サーモトロピック等方性液晶の構造について(物理・物性)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A quasi-binary (QB) picture of thermotropic liquid crystals is proposed on the basis of thermodynamic observations. The experimental conformational entropy of long alkyl chains attached to a (semi) rigid core of mesogenic molecules indicates that the chain is highly disordered in liquid crystalline states. These disordered chains serve as "intramolecular solvent" or "self-solvent" judging from a close resemblance between phase diagrams of neat (against chain length) and binary (against composition) systems. The application of the QB picture to the classic examples of thermotropic cubic mesophases (in ANBC series) shows that the essential structural motif is triply periodic minimal surface.
- 日本液晶学会の論文
- 2002-10-09
齋藤 一弥
徂徠 道夫
齊藤 一弥
Sato Ko-ichi
Plasma Science Center Nagoya University
Saito K
Research Center For Molecular Thermodynamics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
齋藤 一弥
徂徠 道夫
Saito G
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Saito K
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
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