- 論文の詳細を見る
Translational research involves the development of new treatments for currently incurable illnesses, based on cutting edge findings of scientific research. In order to conduct translational research maintaining the highest ethics and science, Translational Research Coordinators (TRCs) at the Research Hospital of the Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo monitor research from an objective third-party perspective. The objectives of the present study were two-fold: 1) from the standpoint of clinical psychologists and clinical laboratory technologists, report the state of work performed by TRCs and present solutions to any problems that might have arisen, and 2) clarify the framework of medical ethics, and compliance thereto, by TRCs. The roles of clinical laboratory technologists as TRCs are to support ethics compliance by confirming the safety and efficacy of clinical laboratory tests. Their work can roughly be divided into compliance support and test data management. In this study, TRCs were also involved in the following activities: 1) preparing test data tables for case report forms (CRFs), 2) ascertaining the state of patient samples, 3) presenting test data time series at the end of the protocol for each patient, 4) returning stored sera to physicians, and 5) delivering CRF test data to the TRC in charge.Clinical psychologists as TRCs support ethical compliance from the standpoint of psychology by providing counseling to subjects and their families and assisting medical staff. In this study TRCs were also responsible for selecting concrete issues related to subject psychology, clarifying stage-appropriate support and reexamining psychological shifts in subject psychology due to progression in translational research, and determining the psychological fitness of subjects relative to the interactions they had prior to enrollment.Based on these observations, the principal activities of TRCs is to ensure general safety and scientific compliance, and more specifically, to provide appropriate psychological care to subjects once compliance has been established.
- 文教大学の論文
- 2004-12-20
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