Holzman Inkblot Technique の日本における適用のための予備的検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
W.H.Holtzman and his group(1961)developed the Holtzman Inkblot Technique(HIT)for psychometrical assessment. This instrument maintains the rich qualitative, projective material of the Rorschach test. Unlike the Rorschach test, HIT consists of two parallel forms. It requires subjects to give only one response per card, and 22 variables are scored for each response.The HIT plays a very important role as a psychological test for clinical diagnosis and personality assessment, and the test should be studied further. Although there are many studies in other countries, Japanese researchers have not standardized the test in Japan yet.The purpose of this study was to interpret the following problems for standardization of the HIT in Japan:(1)mean and standard deviation of each variables in the present study,(2)comparison between Holtzman's data(1961)and the data of the present study, (3)evaluation of validity using factor analysis among the variables.A tester administered the HIT to 100 university students, 50 high school students, and 10 schizophrenia patients individually. The results of an inspection of the means and standard deviation by the Welch Method revealed differences on FA, C, Sh, Ax, Hs, and P(significant beyond the .05 level). The result of the factor analysis, five factors were obtained. The results of the present study indicated that the norms used to score the HIT for Japanese subjects should be different from those in the United States.
- 文教大学の論文
- 1999-12-20
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