The Spin-Dependent Gluon Distribution in a Proton
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By using the positivity condition of distribution functions together with the unpolarized and polarized experimental data, we restrict the x dependence of the polarized gluon distribution. If we take the form of the spin-dependent gluon distribution as δG(x)=Bx^γ(1-x)^p as a typical form, the γ and p are restricted as γ Isim -0.3 and p gsim 10.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1995-11-06
MORII Toshiyuki
AV Core Technology Development Center, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Morii Toshiyuki
Graduate School Of Human Development And Environment Kobe University
Morii Toshiyuki
Faculty Of Human Development Division Of Sciences For Natural Environment : Graduate School Of Scien
Tanaka S
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Tanaka Shun-ichi
Faculty Of Human Development Division Of Sciences For Natural Environment Kobe University
Graduate School of Science and Technology Kobe University
Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nihon University
MORII Toshiyuki
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment : Graduate School of Science and Technology Kobe University
MORII Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Science and Technology and College of Liberal Arts Kobe University
MORII Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Science and Technology and Faculty Human Development, Kobe University
TANAKA Satoshi
Department of Physics, Waseda University
TANAKA Satoshi
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
TANAKA Satoshi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
TANAKA Satoshi
Physical Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology Kinki University
TANAKA Satoshi
Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
TANAKA Shun-Ichi
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment Kobe University
Yamanishi Teruya
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment
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