MORII Toshiyuki | Graduate School of Science and Technology and College of Liberal Arts Kobe University
MORII Toshiyuki
AV Core Technology Development Center, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
MORII Toshiyuki
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment : Graduate School of Science and Technology Kobe University
MORII Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Science and Technology and College of Liberal Arts Kobe University
MORII Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Science and Technology and Faculty Human Development, Kobe University
Morii T
Av Core Technology Development Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Morii Toshiyuki
College Of Liberal Arts Kobe University
Kobayakawa Keizo
College Of Liberal Arts Kobe University
Morii Toshiyuki
Graduate School Of Human Development And Environment Kobe University
Kobayakawa Keizo
College of Liberal Arts, Kobe University
MORII Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University
TANIMOTO Morimitsu
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Tanimoto Morimitsu
Science Education Laboratory, Ehime University
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Ehara Hiroyuki
Next-generation Mobile Communications Development Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Yasunaga Kazutoshi
Broadband Communications Development Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Tanimoto Morimitsu
Science Education Laboratory Ehime University
Tanimoto Morimitu
Department Of Physics Niigata University
Morimitsu Tanimoto
Science Education Laboratory Ehime University
Tanimoto Morimitsu
Yoshida K
Broadband Communications Development Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Morii Toshiyuki
Faculty Of Human Development Division Of Sciences For Natural Environment : Graduate School Of Scien
Noda Hujio
Department Of Physics Ibaraki Universits
ITO Toshiaki
College of Liberal Arts, Kobe University
Department of Physics, Waseda University
Ito Toshiaki
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Hirabayashi Shigeaki
Department Of Physics Waseda University
Noda Hujio
Department Of Mathematical Science Ibaraki University
TANIMOTO Morimitsu
Faculty of Education, Ehime University
EHARA Hiroyuki
Wireless Solution Laboratories, Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
Wireless Solution Laboratories, Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
YASUNAGA Kazutoshi
Mobile Communication Research Laboratory, Matsushita Research Institute Tokyo, Inc.
MORII Toshiyuki
Mobile Communication Research Laboratory, Matsushita Research Institute Tokyo, Inc.
間野 一則
間野 一則
Ito Toshiaki
Department of Childhood Education, Aichi Prefectural University
TOKI Hiroshi
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Titov A.i.
Bogoliubov Theoretical Laboratory Jinr
Titov A.i.
Bogolyubov Laboratory Of Theoretical Physics Jinr
Roy D
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Toki Hiroshi
Research Center For Nuclear Physics (rcnp) Osaka University
Graduate School of Science and Technology and Faculty Human Development, Kobe University
Kaneko T
Redox Regulation Research Group Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Gerontology
NTT Cyber Space Laboratories NTT Corporation
NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation
MANO Kazunori
NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Noda Hujio
Department Of Physics Ibaraki University
Tanaka S
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Mano Kazunori
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
間野 一則
Ito Toshiaki
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nagoya 1st Red Cross Hospital
Kaneko Takao
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories
Hiwasaki Yusuke
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Tanaka Shun-ichi
Faculty Of Human Development Division Of Sciences For Natural Environment Kobe University
Graduate School of Science and Technology Kobe University
Toki Hiroshi
Research Center For Nuclear Physical Osaka University
Toki Hiroshi
Research Center Of Nuclear Physics Osaka University
Roy D.
Graduate School Of Science And Technology And Faculty Human Development Kobe University
Ito Toshiaki
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First Hospital
Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nihon University
TANAKA Satoshi
Department of Physics, Waseda University
TANAKA Satoshi
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
TANAKA Satoshi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
TANAKA Satoshi
Physical Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology Kinki University
TANAKA Satoshi
Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
TANAKA Shun-Ichi
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment Kobe University
Yamanishi Teruya
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment
- 4-kbit /s Multi-Dispersed-Pulse-Based CELP (MDP-CELP) Speech Coder
- Is There Window for a "Supersoft" Pomeron in J/ψ Photoproduction at Low Energy?
- Design of a Robust LSP Quantizer for a High-Quality 4-kbit/s CELP Speech Coder(Speech and Hearing)
- K-Meson Spectroscopy in the Static Limit of s-Quark : Particles and Fields
- Semileptonic Decays of Atomlike Hadrons in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory : Particles and Fields
- A Modified Cascade Model for Hadron-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies(Hadron-Nucleus Collisions,Proceedings of the Multiparticle Dynamics)
- A Modified Cascade Model for Hadron-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies
- Structure of Hadron-Hadron Collision at High Energies and a New Integral Equation for Production Amplitudes
- Particle Correlations in an Independent Emission Model
- Structure of Inner Couplings in Exclusive Reactions
- The Spin-Dependent Gluon Distribution in a Proton