Atom-Nucleus Hybrid State of ^9_ΣBe
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A new concept of "atom-nucleus hybrid state" is proposed to explain the second ^9_ΣBe peak observed in the (K-,π-) reaction at CERN. The explanation is based on coupling among the isotriplet states of ^8Be*(16.63 MeV) with corresponding isotriplet of Σ particles. The Coulomb interaction between ^8Be and Σ- prepares a shallow atomic bound state with a narrow conversion width. The coupling of strong interaction between the two states (^8B+Σ^-) and (^8Be*+Σ^0) pushes down the energy of resonance state and it is expected to reproduce the correct energy position and level width of the second peak of the observed ^9_ΣBe hypernuclear spectrum.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1988-02-25
AKAISHI Yoshinori
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Myint Khin
Department Of Physics Mandalay University Mandalay
AKAISHI Yoshinori
Department of Physics, Hokkaido University
Myint Khin
Department Of Physics Mandalay University
Myint Khin
Department Of Physics Hokkaido University
AKAISHI Yoshinori
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Yoshinori Akaishi
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Akaishi Yoshinori
Department Of Physics Hokkaido University
Department of Physics, Mandalay University
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