教育実践学の再構築としての臨床教育学 : 「特別ニーズ教育」の観点から(<特集>教育における臨床の知)
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The aim of the current oaoer is to describe the meanings the clinical pedagogy has implicated by its naming as "clinical".one of the implicationss by the clinical pedagogy is criticism to the current pedagogy and theory of educational oractices that are not able to solvee the difficulties of students and teachers.This criticism should not be interoreted that clinical psychology or other disciplines should substitute the pedagogy or theory of educational practicesss in the school settng.From the viewpoint of "special nedds education" mostt school classes in Japan are consisted of students with heterogeneous special educational needs.This character of the school classes must kead to reconsider the current concept of educational practices.In other words, teaching and careingg practices in regular classrooms has been confronted with serious difficulties the students have shown for various reasons.From another side, many students today have troubles and harsh experiences in and out of school e.g. witshdrawal, bullying, LD ADHD, Aspergersyndrom and other emotional and behavioral difficulties.The 70's pedagogy have belived that students are educated to be consious and active and objective.But the difficulties of students in school show such thinking is not sufficient because the other side of the individual, namely emotional wellbeing in an educational setting, passiveness, homeostasis in physical and psychological sense, and inner self are often overlooked.These aspects of the student's personality underpin thier consious, active, and objective conducts which are often very damaged or disturbed.We must consider the implications of the term of "clinical".The term of "clinical" appears to suggest that the starting points should be 1)the needs of the students2)responsiveness from the teacher to the needs of the students in daily school life.The participants in the clinical field are not objective of scientiffic research, but are observed as active subjects in practices and also in pedagogy.The tasks of pedagogy in such meaning should not be externalized outside of the teachres works to a counseling or psychotherapy.The concepts of "clinical pedagogy"does not demand an alternative for pedagogy, but demands that pedagogy itself should be innovated so that students could be more individually treated which woulf lead to higher self-esteem on acount of this empowerment.In order to empower the students with needs teachers should be supported and empowered.
- 2002-12-30
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