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This study was performed to devise a questionnaire for screening whether or not asthmatic children needed psychosomatic treatment. The questionnaire consisted of 3 main headings ; asthmatic attacks, parental attitudes and children's behavior. These 3 headings were subdivided into 56 items. Subjects were divided into the following two large groups : 1) Group A ; 51 asthmatic children, and their 45 fathers and 49 mothers. 2) Group B ; 88 healthy children, and their 75 fathers and 81 mothers. Group A was rearranged into the following 4 subgroups. i) 31 long hospitalized asthmatics (LA group) and 20 short hospitalized (SA group). ii) 13 asthmatics with frequent attacks (FA group) and 38 asthmatics without frequent attacks (n-FA group). iii) 21 asthmatics who were improved markedly by hospitalization (RIA group) and 27 improved to some extent (IA group). iv) 34 patients who got worse during their stay at home (XX group) and 17 showing no change (XN group). The results of our study. were summarized as follows ; 1) 85 per cent of asthmatics had psychological factors which appeared relevant to their asthma, and 65 per cent of their parents recognized this fact. 2) 60 per cent of pediatrists' judgement agreed with the results of our questionnaire. 3) The asthmatic children were found less sociable, more nervous and repressive, or dependent than the healthy ones. 4) The parents of asthmatics were more over-protective, rejective or anxious than the parents of healthy ones. 5) LA group had more psychological factors than group SA ; The former had more behavioral disturbances than the latter. 6) Mothers of FA group took less notice of psychological factors than their children did. 7) The impressions of the pediatrists were more similar to the results of our questionnaire about RIA group than about IA group. 8) The asthmatics who grew worse while staying at home had more psychological factors than the other group. The authors think that it is very important for physicians and parents to recognize psychological factors influencing asthma. For this purpose, our questionnaire can be very useful. This study was performed to devise a questionnaire for screening whether or not asthmatic children needed psychosomatic treatment. The questionnaire consisted of 3 main headings ; asthmatic attacks, parental attitudes and children's behavior. These 3 headings were subdivided into 56 items. Subjects were divided into the following two large groups : 1) Group A ; 51 asthmatic children, and their 45 fathers and 49 mothers. 2) Group B ; 88 healthy children, and their 75 fathers and 81 mothers. Group A was rearranged into the following 4 subgroups. i) 31 long hospitalized asthmatics (LA group) and 20 short hospitalized (SA group). ii) 13 asthmatics with frequent attacks (FA group) and 38 asthmatics without frequent attacks (n-FA group). iii) 21 asthmatics who were improved markedly by hospitalization (RIA group) and 27 improved to some extent (IA group). iv) 34 patients who got worse during their stay at home (XX group) and 17 showing no change (XN group). The results of our study. were summarized as follows ; 1) 85 per cent of asthmatics had psychological factors which appeared relevant to their asthma, and 65 per cent of their parents recognized this fact. 2) 60 per cent of pediatrists' judgement agreed with the results of our questionnaire. 3) The asthmatic children were found less sociable, more nervous and repressive, or dependent than the healthy ones. 4) The parents of asthmatics were more over-protective, rejective or anxious than the parents of healthy ones. 5) LA group had more psychological factors than group SA ; The former had more behavioral disturbances than the latter. 6) Mothers of FA group took less notice of psychological factors than their children did. 7) The impressions of the pediatrists were more similar to the results of our questionnaire about RIA group than about IA group. 8) The asthmatics who grew worse while staying at home had
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1979-08-01
- ポリエチレングリコール沈殿物補体消費試験(PEG-CC)による Circulating Immune Complex (CIC) の定量と臨床応用
- I-C-1 気管支喘息発作の回復過程に及ぼす心理的葛藤の影響の動物実験による検討(呼吸器I)
- 小児喘息患者の親子関係診断テストの分析における多変量解析の応用
- IIB-16 小児喘息患者の親子関係診断テストの分析における多変量解析法の応用(2) : クラスター分析の応用
- IIB-15 小児喘息患者の親子関係診断テストの分析における多変量解析法の応用(1) : 数量化理論2類の応用
- 親子関係テストにおける喘息児の親子関係の特性について(呼吸器(2))
- 喘息の診療
- 気管支喘息患児とその親に対する質問表による調査成績
- 気管支喘息患者の対人ストレス場面における認知的障害に対する新しい心理テスト形式による接近
- AI-2 小児喘息患者のPFS成績とアンケート調査による喘息学級参加後の経過について(呼吸器(1))(第18回日本心身医学会総会)
- 北九州市における気管支喘息を中心とした気道疾患の大気汚染との関係について
- C-37)潰瘍性大腸炎の心身医学的研究(第2報) : 過敏性大腸症候群との比較(第17回日本心身医学会総会)
- 小児気管支喘息自然寛解者におけるアドレナリン受容体機能と気管支のアセチールコリンに対する反応性について
- 気管支喘息患者と肺結核患者の心理テスト成績ならびに両者の比較
- I-B-3 気管支喘息発作に及ぼす心理的葛藤の影響の動物実験による検討(呼吸器I-基礎・研究-)(一般口演)
- 家族療法が奏功した気管支喘息の1症例
- IA-1 偏頭痛の心身医学的研究(第8報)(第23回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
- IgM の関与が考えられた寒冷蕁麻疹の1症例
- 気管支喘息の治癒化の因子に関する検討 : 第1報 自然治癒(緩解)群における臨床的検討 : とくに, アトピー性素因と気道過敏性を中心として
- 日本心療内科学会の過去・現在・未来(日本心身医学会関連学会理事長にきく(4))
- 河野友信先生を偲んで
- 日本心身医学会ならびに関連学会の課題と役割(特別プログラムII/日本心身医学会と関連学会の関係のあり方をめぐって)
- 理事長就任挨拶
- 32.一般病棟における気管支喘息の心身医学的治療の検討(一般演題)(第24回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録)
- 31.心身医学的治療経過とともに気道過敏性が著明に軽減した気管支喘息の1症例(一般演題)(第24回日本心身医学会九州地方会演題抄録)
- 一般病院における喘息の心身医学的治療の有用性について : 経済的見地からの検討(呼吸器(3))
- 発症前段階より観察しえた気管支喘息の1症例
- 小児気管支喘息の施設入院療法 : その過程に及ぼす因子について
- 34. 小児気管支喘息の施設入院療法 : 施設退所後の経過について(喘息-治療)
- 165.小児の気管支喘息の施設入院療法 : その経過に及ぼす因子について(喘息-治療2)
- 292 ストレス動物におけるT細胞サブセットの変動
- B-19) 気管支喘息患者および肺結核患者の心理テスト結果について(心理テスト)
- コルチコイド依存性喘息患者の心理的治療
- 気管支喘息の心身医学的治療
- 「喘息の発病と経過に関与せる心理社会的因子について」
- 39 ヒト好中球O^-_2産出に与えるTranilastの影響
- I-B-51 小児期に発症した思春期気管支喘息症例についての心身医学的検討(3.呼吸器)
- C-37) 潰瘍性大腸炎の心身医学的研究(第1報) : アンケート調査と心理テストから(新しい課題)
- Insidonの臨床効果について
- 小児監視喘息の施設入院療法(II) : 退所後の経過について
- 小児気管支喘息の施設入院療法 : PFスタディを中心にして(呼吸器)
- 心理・生理的脱感作法が奏効した食品アレルギーの1成人例
- 臨床的にみたストレス病の発症メカニズム : とくに患者側の問題点を中心に(ストレスの基礎と臨床)(第27回日本心身医学総会)
- アレルギー性疾患における血漿ヒスタミン値について : 第2報 気管支喘息の発作および重症度についての検討
- アレルギー性疾患における血漿ヒスタミン値について : I.測定方法および血漿ヒスタミン値と血清IgE値の相関について
- 気管支喘息の予後について : 大学新入生に対する気管支喘息検診後の予後調査
- 不活性C1 inactivatorを有する遺伝性血管神経性浮腫の1症例
- A Pharmacological Study of the Sleep-inducers from the Clinical Viewpoint:Double-blind comparison of D-58 SI and nitrazepam, with some findings on the placebo response