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It was once said that Asia would be a Developing Center of World Economy in the 21st Century. Considering the economical situation in Asia at present, however, we find nothing of the magnificence that Asia once retained. In addition to its economical collapse, the Asian crises, both military and social, are now on the agenda. SIPRI reports that Asia accounts for more disputes over territory that would make its solution difficult than any other regions of the world. Through the period of Asian economical development, many Asian nations, having focused their energy only on economical development, have never paid any attention to constructing any security regime covering the Asia Pacific area. Considering it worthwhile to conceptualize the security regime in Asia Pacific under this situation, the writer conceptualizes in this article a security regime that a core structure tentatively named "Coordinating Committee on Security in Asia Pacific, CCSAP," composed of the USA as a linchpin with whom each advanced democratic nation such as Japan, Korea, Canada and Ausralia is linked by bilateral security arrangement is to be organized as an open forum to any democratic nation, and directly connected to "North Pacific Security Conference, NPSC", and to the existing ARF which makes an international dual security guarantee feasible. The World situation is drastically changing. All international agreements like the Japan-US Security Agreement and NATO concluded during the Cold War period are now being redefined. In order for Japan to be capable of and responsible for building a security regime in Asia Pacific, an interpretation of Japan's constitution is required to be redefined.
- 信州短期大学の論文
- 1998-12-25
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