- 論文の詳細を見る
It was in the latter half of 1960s when the word "International Cooperation" became established in consciousness of Japanese people. Through the post-war period until that time, Japan had been in a stage of the under-developed. The GDP Japan shared in that of the world was just 0.3%. At that time, Japan was a donee to which several kinds of assistances were extended by many foreign countries who had been in war with Japan.. Coinciding with high economic growth of Japan, having begun after Tokyo Olympic, Japan's position as a donee was changed to a donor, and now, Japan enjoys her position as the greatest donor of economic assistance in the world. In this article, it is defined that the international cooperation in new century is to cover not only economic field but also all fields to which such matters as military, social and cultural are concerned, and it is to be extended on the basis of securing world peace and Japan's security and promoting national interests. For overcoming the criticism of Japan's international cooperation in Official Development Aid (ODA) as "strewn donation", Japan must review how it should be in new century. The focus is to be brought on ODA to China and to African nations the aid to which is considered as if "pouring money down the drain." The priority should be given to Asian nations with which Japan's security is directly related, and by so doing, it gives Japan one and only opportunity to get Asian nations' expectation to and reliance on Japan and to play a leading role in affairs in Asia. Considering that the international cooperation should be performed by government only on "the principle of sovereign state", the system in which ODA is managed must be changed so that it may be controlled by an administrative organ independent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- 信州短期大学の論文
- 2004-12-25
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