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The Cold War defined by US-Soviet antagonism, the nuclear stand-off, and the extension of these central conflicts to the periphery of the world has ended.It is to be concluded that the two important stimuli proposed by Gorbachev have brought the Cold War to an end. The foreign policies pursued by Gorbachev, which overthrew the traditional Soviet's "No" diplomacy: "NEW THINKING" meaning "In an age of weapons of mass destruction, no security to either party can be achieved. No nuclear war should be fought," and the Military Doctrine of "REASONABLE SUFFICIENCY" meaning "explicitly renouncing military power to make aggression, but keeping power sufficient enough to defend oneself." Having realized the Soviet's weakness against the West, Gorbachev took several economical, political and social measures to take a breather in the process of confrontation -mainly with the USA- for getting through his project of reforming the Soviet economy. All those measures, however, had failed and finally brought about the disintegration of the Soviet statehood and, the Cold War ended. It is said "Gorbachev is Yesterday's Man" in present-day Russia and world political arena as well. Is it fair to challenge the distinguished contribution of Gorbachev's foreign policy to the end of the Cold War? We can not deny that we have taken advantage of Gorbachev's failure to enjoy the less threatened world. Now that the Cold War has ended, it is necessary to revisit the "NEW THINKING" of Gorbachev addressed to the Soviet people, and the political leaders and people of the world in his PERESTROJKA.
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