- 論文の詳細を見る
This is to historically consider the process of economic reform in Hungary under the communist regime. The idea of economic reform originally advocated by Imre Nagy, who was reappointed premier during the 1956 popular uprising, purged after the suppression of the revolt, and finally executed in 1958 as the main instigator of the revolt. The reform was carried out by Janos Kadar, then the first secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, who had physically killed Imre Nagy himself and politically succeeded to Nagy's reform heritage. All sorts of abuses like "executor", "traitor" and "betrayer of the nation" were heaped upon Kadar by the people, but he, despite ill will, proceeded to implement the reform policy by diluting political shades of meaning contained in the reform in view of Hungary's political relations with the Soviet Union, and encouraging economic recovery which had to bring about economic welfare to the people. His political philosophy in this period can be classified as that of moderation in the international arena and tolerance in domestic policy. The stage of reform Kadar realized is termed "Reform Phase I", so called "Kadarization" or "Kadarism", which was no more than a set of corrective measures to improve the centrally-planned command economy. The "Kadarization" or "Kadarism", having repeated a series of setbacks and trials and errors in reform policies, was transferred to Grosz who faced the conflict between reform policies and the official ideology of "Socialism" deemed as a contradictory barrier to a market economy. After Grosz abandoned carrying out further reform, the radicals in the regime proceeded the reform to a further stage, termed "Reform Phase II" which was to "reform the reform". Such reformed economic system carried out by the radicals is to be termed, as the author defines it, "socialism coming infinitely closer to capitalism". The author's historical consideration of Hungarian economic reform is firstly to assess the reform tried immediately after the Budapest Uprising, and secondly to find out the reason why Hungary in the Soviet-dominated Socialist Bloc could implement such drastic economic reform without any explicit resistance or interference from the Soviet Union. Hungarian reform introduced the principle of competition and the price system based on goods value into the market as well as the entrepreneurial spirit like ambition, skill and talent, which had not been in exsistence in the socialist country. Why Hungary could proceed without any interference from the Soviet Union is that the regime had paid the fullest attention to their foreign policy so as not to contradict that of the Soviet Union, and used international circumstances after Gorbachev's coming out to their best advantages. To conclude, what is Hungary's future? There is no immediate answer. It definitely depends upon conditions, both internal and external.
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