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There are two major trends in current world politics. One is the integrating of several states into a bigger organization to which part of sovereignty of a state is to be transferred. The other is the disintegrating of a formerly existing state into more than one based on nationalism. The former is the case of the "European Union (EU)", and the later is shown by ex-Yugoslavia and the East Central European states, including the ex-Soviet Union. In the case of the disintegration of a state, the process used to tend to involve a bloody struggle between nations separating from each other. The Czech and Slovak Republic, renamed as a compromise between the Czechs and the Slovaks after the 1989 "velvet revolution" which overturned the communist dominated Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, was an exception. The federation has amicably separated without even shedding a drop of blood or firing a shot. The breakup of the Czech and Slovak Republic is, therefore, seen as an "amicable divorce" of two republics that had been antagonistic towards each other throughout their history. This article is to investigate the reasons why the state had to be disintegrated after the longed-for 1989 revolution, liberating both from communist rule. Through the investigation, it was found that there existed the deeply rooted mutual antagonisms, historical, political, economical and social, between two nations, which might have brought the two republics to separation, and prevent a return to a common state of any kind for the time being. In conclusion, the Czech Republic without the Slovaks will be sitting pretty in the future, and the way to join the European Union for the Czechs will be clear. In contrast, the Slovak Republic, separated from the Czechs will face a tremendous economic set-back and, in the worst case, it could remain in the status of one of the undeveloped nations of East-Central Europe. If allowed to resolutely predict the future of those two nations, there may be a possibility of returning to a common state of some kind, once and when further economic reform is complete, and the constitution reestablished in the Slovak Republic.
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