国際連合改革私案 : 国連創設50周年に寄せて
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Fifty years have passed since the United Nations was founded. The main goals given to the United Nations at that time were to promote international cooperation by uniting the global strength in maintaining international peace and security, solving economical, social, cultural and humanitarian problems, and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedom for all without distinction of race, sex, language or religion. During those fifty years, the United Nations has overstretched its missions,and is having great difficulty in many areas of keeping peace and security in the world. It is to be judged that the United Nations, after its foundation, has fallen into an "institutional fatigue". In view of this fact, the arguments for reforming the United Nations by refocusing on its activities are on cruicial agenda everywhere in the world. It is concluded, however, that all suggestions made so far are too ideal, and not deserving of special attention. Criticizing one of the suggestions made by Professor Wendell Gordon, this paper suggests an idea of reforming the United Nations, which includes 1) original conception of the United Nations stipulating the enemy clause in the Charter to be deleted, 2) the bloated institution of the United Nations to be slimmed and its globally spread missions to be trimmed, 3) accordingly, its mission as a collective security organization to be concentrated on maintaining peace and security of the world, and 4) "the weighted voting right system" which allows more power to the states which fulfil their duties to be employed and the rights and duties of the permanent member states to be strengthened. Considering that Japan is one of the likeliest candidates to become a permanent member state in the security council, Japan has to be ready to accept any responsibility in contributing to the maintenance of world peace and security. If Japan wishes to take the initiative of reforming the United Nations, it must revise, or at least reinterprete, its constitution.
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