- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to survey recent studies concerned with intra-industry trade, to clarify the disposition of the foods in the theory of intra-industry trade, and to sketch the present situation of intra-industry trade in the food market. The first part of this paper consists of comprehensive general remarks in this field, and the last part of it provides a preliminary statistical/study that would provide a basis for subsequent empirical investigations. The approach employed in this study was as follows. First, we examined recent studies concerned with intra-industry trade, not only the theoretical ones in general economics but also the empirical ones in agricultural economics. Second, we analyzed statistical data in order to sketch the present situation of intra-industry trade in the food market. The question we have to ask here is whether the principle of the food trade should be explained solely by the "Hecksher-Ohlin" Model or not, even though the trade of other products, especially of manufactured goods, are not perfectly explained by it, but partly well explained by models of "new trade theory" which includes the theory of product differentiation, that of scale economy and intra-industry trade. It was founded that many studies which deal with the food trade regard it as a market of heterogeneous goods rather than one of homogeneous ones. Furthermore, they characterize it as a strategic trade among oligopolistic bodies such as exporting boards controlled by government in the public sector and large Multinational agribusinesses in the private sector. Although various theoretical studies and empirical surveys were conducted and several significant results were obtained in general economics, such results are rare in agricultural economics, except for a few empirical studies dealing with one special commodity. This indicates that intra-industry trade in food markets can be characterized by two points. First, those trade include not only trades which are suitably explained by the typical model of "New trade theory", but also trades which are similar to traditional phenomena such as border trade, periodical trade, and re-export trade. In order to analyze intra-industry trade in food markets, those traditional principles should be carefully re-considered. Secondly, regarding product differentiation in the case of food, vertical differentiation rather than horizontal differentiation may be dominant compared with that of manufactured goods. It is necessary to develop theoretical models designed for vertical differentiation in order to analyze intra-industry trade among differentiated foods.
- 岐阜大学の論文
- 2000-12-25
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