- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper studies the agricultural policy and its related movement in the private sector for the promotion of utilizing barnyard manure in the middle of the Meiji era. In this period, utilizing barnyard manure was promoted as one of the "Westernizing Policy" to modernize Japanese agriculture, which had traditionally depended on other fertilizer resources such as night soil, half-dried fish, and green manure from common grasslands. The purpose of this study is to examine how the policy was planned and determined under the umbrella of agricultural modernization, what level of awareness for utilizing barnyard manure each farmer had, and what were the policy's historical implications. Our method is to review historical documents which have not been studied well until now. As for the government aspect, we mainly reviewed the "Noshohkoh-kohhoh" and descriptions by the "Oyatoi-gaikokujin", Max Fesca. As for the farmers perspective, the document of "Zenkoku-Nohdankai" were also reviewed. The basic direction of the shift of fertilizer resources in this period was from night soil and half-dried fish to soybean grounds. Although the crucial reason for this shift was the rise in popularity of cheap soybean grounds imported from China's "Manshu" district, following two points are also important. First, it is clear that much time elapsed before the policy was determined. Although "Oyatoi-gaikokujin" recommended introducing livestock into conventional crop farming, emphasizing the effect of increasing the supply of barnyard manure as a economic and effective fertilizer, the government failed to quickly adopt this recommendation, and instead unwisely tried to promote livestock for the commercial production of meat and milk. It took a long time before the government started to adopt effective measures to promote barnyard manure as a fertilizer. This time lag negatively affected putting the recommendation into practice. A second negative factor was that the number of major livestock animals such as cows and horses had been decreasing during the period of promotion. This brought about a substantial reduction of fertilizer resources and discouraged the enthusiasm for the promotion of barnyard manure as a fertilizer.
- 岐阜大学の論文
- 1999-12-27
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