- 論文の詳細を見る
Among the steering modes of farm tractor, the crab-steering has hardly been taken up in production and also in research. That mode of steering may be unapplicable to manual operating that has made familiar with normal mode of steering for long time, but because the vehicle with that mode can always hold its body in a certine direction, that type has a profitable property for the automatic guidance in field operation, and positional relation of sensor and implement is one-dimensional problem and attaching point of sensor to body is unrestricted. This type vehicle can not turn, but travelling of field operation necessitates no turning in many kinds of operations except at head land. At head land, it may be solved to change steering mode. The authors aspect to the property of crab-steering and aimed to develop the automatic guidance system with this steering mode. In this paper, the stability of relay-control system of automatic guidance was considered with describing-function method, and the results of tracking tests with trial vehicle were discussed and considered by means of time varying Fourier coefficients of tracking pass.
- 神戸大学の論文
堀尾 尚志
居垣 千尋
佐々木 圭一
牧 大助
堀尾 尚志
居垣 千尋
Horio H
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
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