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In this paper, the author discusses a design method of multi-sensor controlled robot system by using extended Mark Flow Graph (MFG). Recently, sensory contrlo and sensory controlled robots and sensor based intelligent machines are widely used in the field of advanced manufacturing system. The sensors used for these systems are the visual, tactile and/or proximity sensor etc., Such a multi-sensor controlled robot system contains various kinds of signal processing and various level of controls. And so the usual graphical tools are not sufficient for its representation. The MFG is one of the most useful tool for designing and controlling the manufacturing system which provides robots, conveyers, machine tools and assembly machines etc., and these machines works concurrently and cooperatively. Here, new modification of MFG is proposed which can make the MFG possible to handle the sensory control and sensory data processing. The extended MFG is made by adding the special box (symbol of condition) of "sensor box" and "robot box". The robot box provides the position and path data in the data area for the motion servo control. The sensor box also provides the data area in which the sensor type, sensor control level, sensor reference and other information can be stored. There are three types of sensory control motion, sensor feedback control, sensor feed-forward control and sensor sequential control. And for each control method, new box symbols are defined. At the multi-sensor control system, the cooperation of each sensor information is the most important subject. Then, as the macro representation, the multi-sensor integration, sensor concurrent control and sensor cooperation system are represented by using these sensor boxes. By using this extended MFG system, the multi-sensor control robot system is easily represented, and the simulation and control of the system are made with small computer and logic controller system. In this research, the system model with 3 robots, 4 conveyers, vision sensor system(which can recognize the shape of object), proximity sensor (which can measure gap distance) the touch sensor (which can detect the contact of hand), is constructed. And by using the extended MFG, the total control system is designed. The upper level control system is represented by the general MFG and the middle level control system is represented by the control level MFG. Then hierarchy control system with sensory control is clearly represented by proposed MFG. By the experiment of the system control, the effectiveness of the proposed MFG and concept of the sensory system control are confirmed.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1989-00-00
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- 標準マニピュレータ構想 : ロボット制御理論の実用化のために
- ロボットシンポジウム報告
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- 変調位相情報に注目した光学式近接センサの応用
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- 2P2-E10 箸を用いた食事介助ロボットに関する研究(福祉ロボティクス・メカトロニクス(2))
- 1A1-G01 シンプルな非集光型発電システムのメカトロニクスへの応用(エコメカトロニクス)