<原著>水田皮膚炎に関する研究 : 4.Trichobilharzia physellae(Talbot, 1936)セルカリアの筋肉組織, 感覚器官その他2,3の組織の微細構造
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The fine structure of fully developed cercariae of Trichobilharzia physellae was observed under the transmission electron microscope. 1. The body wall of the cercariae was covered with a thick tegument which had many granular materials in the cytoplasm and definite spines and rested on a layer of connective tissue. The circular and longitudinal muscles, both composed of thick and thin myofilaments, lay beneath the connective tissue. The perikaryons of the tegument containing particular dense granules lay in the parenchyma, and their cell processes extended toward the surface and connected with the tegument. The microtubles were situated in the periphery of the cell processes. 2. Two types of sensory papillae were observed near the surface of the body. The uniciliated papilla consisted of a sensory bulb with an apical cilium which projected into the surrounding medium. Another type of sensory structure was the multiciliated pits located beneath the tegument and had no apical cilium. 3. The eyespot had one pigment-containing cell and one nerve fiber. The pigment cell formed a crescent pigment cap and was continuous with the apical end of the nerve fiber with closely packed microtubules. The lens body was not determined. 4. The nervous system consisted of nonmedullated nerve fibers and formed a marked neuropile in the area of the body aboral to the head organ. 5. The head gland in the head organ had a large sac-like structure and was filled with particular dense granules. Narrow cytoplasmic projections with internal microtubules derived from the gland cell and reached the internal surface of the tegument at the anterior end of the body. The wall of the esophagus consisted of the tegument-like cytoplasmic layer with outwardly extending processes. There were some secretory cells surrounding the esophagus. 6. The excretory system comprised peripherally placed flame cells and collecting tubules. The flame cell was an irregularly shaped cell with the bundle of cilia which arose from the cytoplasm and extended into the lumen of the collecting tubule. 7. The germ cells were irregularly shaped cells with darkly stained nucleus and a few cytoplasm. There were no definitive structures in the cytoplasm. 8. The longitudinal muscles in the tail stem and caudal furcae consisted of striated muscle fibers and contained numerous mitochondria. The striation of the muscles was composed of a series of electron dense rods associated with stacks of tubular sarcoplasmic reticulums which were periodically disposed at regular intervals between and across the myofilaments. 9. The fin on either side of the caudal furcae was composed of the thick membranous material which was morphologically similar to the tegument and was continuous with the tegument of the caudal furcae.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1978-12-25
丹羽 淳子
宮里 昂
井上 朝義
古川 忠明
井上 美枝子
井上 美枝子
下田 健治
小宮 久尚
丹羽 淳子
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