<原著>走査型電子顕微鏡試料作製における乾燥法の比較検討 : 自然乾燥法と臨界点乾燥法
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Recently the critical point drying method (CPD-method) has been applied to the preparation of biological samples for the scanning electron microscope. Also it has been said that the cells enveloped with the physically fragile layer are not suitable to the natural drying method (ND-method). When we need to prepare many specimens simultaneously and rapidly, it is inconvenient to use the CPD-method. We studied the degree of damage to four different kinds of cells prepared by the ND-method, comparing with the CPD-method. Cells were sufficiently fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide except one sample and dehydrated in ethanol. Among these cells, neither spheroplasts nor human red blood cells having no rigid cell walls suffered any damages by the ND-method. Therefore it seems that the CPD-method is not necessary for some kinds of cells, if they are sufficiently fixed and dehydrated in advance of drying.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1978-04-25
山口 淳二
山口 淳二
小宮 久尚
多田 宜文
杉山 孔宏
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- 走査型電子顕微鏡試料作製における乾燥法の比較検討 : 自然乾燥法と臨界点乾燥法
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