<原著>水田皮膚炎に関する研究 : 3.Trichobilharzia physellae(Talbot, 1936)セルカリアの侵入腺細胞の微細構造
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The fine structure of the emerging cercariae of Trichobilharzia physellae was studied with the transmission electron microscope for the purpose of observing the acetabular (penetration) gland cells and their cellular inclusions. The cercariae had five pairs of unicellular gland cells, each of which consisted of enlarged basal area (fundus) situated on the posterior half of the body and its cytoplasmic projection (duct) which communicated with the exterior of the body along the anterior end of the body. These cells were filled with numerous membrane-bound secretory granules. Microtubules were situated in the peripheral cytoplasm of the gland cells. The microtubules and a bundle of muscle cells associated with the gland ducts appeared to support the elongated structure of the ducts and to assist the secretory function of the gland cells. Nucleus and other intercellular organelles were indistinct, suggesting that the acetabular gland cells of mature cercariae did not synthesize additional secretory materials and acted essentially as storage sacs of the secretory granules. The acetabular gland cells were divided into two groups on the basis of the morphological difference of the secretory granules involved in the gland cytoplasm. The funduses of two preacetabular gland cells contained several types of secretory granules, varying in size and shape. The matrix of these granules were electron-dense and had a fine granular materials. In the funduses of three post-acetabular gland cells the secretory granules were of single type, spheroidal or irregular in shape, with one or several electron-dense areas in electron-lucid matrix. The fine structure of the secretory granules of both pre- and post-acetabular gland cells showed some morphological changes preceding secretion and after extrusion. The gland ducts opened directly to the outside through the cuticle at the anterior end of the body. It was suggested that the gland cells released their secretory granules as in holocrine secretion which was accompanied by the discharge and destruction of whole cells. Ciliated sensory bulbs were situated near or around the opening end of the gland ducts. These were uniciliated papillae with a short seta having the typical ciliary pattern of microtubules.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1978-12-25
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