- 論文の詳細を見る
As a result of having compared the self evaluation of students and faculties' evaluation and analyzed free descriptive contents, I understood the following things. 1. There are more than 30% of students who evaluated themselves lower than faculties did about "Making of a relationship with a sick child and their family. " 2. These students tended to evaluate "development of a nursing process" or "practice of nursing technology" lower than faculties' evaluation. About 1/3 expressed they were "not able to" in the description contents. 3. The students whose evaluation of "making of a relationship" was higher than the faculties' evaluation tended to evaluate other evaluation items highly as well. Most of their descriptive contents were "able to." 4. Self evaluation of "making of a relationship" in pediatric nursing training, and lessons as well as advice to deepen the relationship with a sick child and their family are effective for self education empowerment.
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