Generation of pink flower varieties from blue Torenia hybrida by redirecting the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway from delphinidin to pelargonidin
- 論文の詳細を見る
Transgenic torenia plants with various pink petal tones were obtained from blue or violet cultivars by combining downregulation of endogenous flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase (F3′H) and flavonoid 3′, 5′-hydroxylase (F3′5′H) genes with expression of a heterologous gene. Knockdown of the F3′H and F3′5′H genes in a blue torenia cultivar resulted in pale pink lines by decreasing the cyanidin and delphinidin levels and increasing the pelargonidin-based anthocyanin levels. Additional expression of rose dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) gene elevated the level of pelargonidin and yielded darker pink petals. Expression of pelargonidin DFR gene instead of the rose DFR gene increased the level of pelargonidin and darkened the petal color. Introducing the two genetic constructs containing a DFR gene into a violet torenia cultivar, which had more anthocyanins and a darker color than the blue one, further increased the level of pelargonidin and pink color intensity. These results reveal that selection of a suitable gene source and host greatly affects the phenotypes of the resultant transgenic plants.
- 日本植物細胞分子生物学会の論文
- 2010-12-25
Suzuki Hideyuki
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
柴田 大輔
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
SUZUKI Ken-ichi
Tohoku Institute of Technology
Sekizaki Haruo
Plant Science Center Riken
Tanaka Y
Suntory Ltd. Osaka Jpn
Tanaka Y
National Inst. Agrobiological Resources Tsukuba Jpn
TANAKA Yoshikazu
Institute for Geothermal Sciences Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Institute for Advanced Technology, Suntory, Ltd.
Institute for Advanced Technology, Suntory, Ltd.
SUZUKI Kenichi
Suntory Flowers, Ltd.
Institute for Advanced Technology, Suntory, Ltd.
Institute for Advanced Technology, Suntory, Ltd.
Fukuchi-Mizutani Masako
Institute for Fundamental Research, Suntory Ltd.
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Shinshi H
Kazusa Dna Research Institute
Nakamura Noriko
Inst. For Plant Sci. Suntory Holdings Ltd.
Shibata Daisuke
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Seki Hikaru
Plant Sci. Center Riken
Suzuki Ken-ichi
Production Department Suntory Flowers Ltd.
Suzuki Kenichi
Suntory Flowers Ltd.
Okazaki Koei
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst.
Shibata D
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Sakamoto Koichi
Production Department Suntory Flowers Ltd.
Fukui Yuko
Inst. For Plant Sci. Suntory Holdings Ltd.
Tanaka Yoshikazu
Central Res. Laboratories Hokko Chemical Ind. Co.
Shibata Daisuke
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst.
Tanaka Yoshikazu
Central Research Laboratories Hokko Chemical Industry Co.
Fukuchi-mizutani Masako
Institute For Plant Science Suntory Holdings Ltd.
Ishiguro Kanako
Institute For Plant Science Suntory Holdings Ltd.
Shinshi Hideaki
Plant Mol. Biol. Lab. Nati. Inst. Biosci. Human Tech.
Tanaka Yoshikazu
Institute For Advanced Core Technology Suntory Limited
Tanaka Yoshikazu
Institute For Advanced Core Technology
Fukuchi-Mizutani Masako
Institute for Advanced Research, Suntory, Ltd.
Nakamura Noriko
Institute for Advanced Research, Suntory, Ltd.
Fukui Yuko
Institute for Advanced Research, Suntory, Ltd.
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