SSDM 30th Anniversary Memorial Talk, Past, Present and Future of Solid State Devices
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-09-07
Tanaka Shoji
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
- Magnetic Properties of 40 K Class Oxide Superconductor (Gd, Ce)_4(La, Ba, Sr)_4CU_6O_
- Superconducting Thin Films of "Infinite-Layer" Sr_Nd_xCuO_y Synthesized by Pulsed-Laser Deposition
- Magnetic and Transport Properties of Ternary Chalcogenides, BaMS_3 (M=V, Nb, Ti)
- Raman Scattering Spectra of (Sm_Ce_)_2(Ba_Sm_)_2Cu_3O_9
- Fracture Toughness of YBaCuO Prepared by MPMG Process
- TEM Observation of Interfaces between Y_2BaCuO_5 Inclusions and the YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Matrix in Melt-Powder-Melt-Growth Processed YBaCuO
- Direct Observation of Flux Behavior in High-T_c Oxide Superconductors Using The Faraday Effect of Iron Garnet Films
- Critical Current Densities of Y_Ca_xBa_2Cu_4O_8 (x=0 and 0.1) Superconducting Ceramics
- Phase Stability and Decomposition of Superconductive (Y_Ca_x)Ba_2Cu_4O_8 (0≦x≦0.1)
- Structure, and Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Nonsuperconducting BiVS_3 and BiNbS_3
- Tetragonal-Orthorhombic Structural Phase Transition in the (Gd_Ce_)_4[La_(Ba_La_x)_]_4Cu_6O_z System
- Preparation and Properties of Superconducting [La_Ln_Ba_Sr_Ce_]_8Cu_6O_z (Ln=Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho and Y)
- High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Defects in YBa_2Cu_4O_8
- Preparation and Superconducting Properties of [Ln, Ce, (Ba_Sr_x)]_8Cu_6O_z (Ln=Nd, Sm and Eu)
- A New Homologous Series of Superconducting Cuprates with the 22(n-1)n Structure, (Hg_Tl_x)_2Ba_2Ca_Cu_nO_y (x〜0.4, n=3, 4)
- New Magnetic Phases in the R-Cu-O (R=Tm and Y) Systems
- A Missing Link is Found: a Novel Homologous Series of Superconducting Pb-Based Cuprates
- Effect of Structural Disorder on the Superconductivity in Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_
- Characteristics of the Spin Fluctuation in Tl_2 Ba_2 Ca_2 Cu_3 O_
- Effect of Temperature and Oxygen Pressure on Preparation of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Thin Films by Metalorganie Deposition
- Effect of Annealing Conditions on the T_c of the Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ Superconductor
- Preparation of YBa_2Cu_3O_ and YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Thick Films by Gas Deposition Using Fine Powders
- Bi-Based Superconducting Thin Films Prepared by a Combination of Metalorganic Deposition (MOD) and a Diffusion Process
- Phase Diagram of YBa_2Cu_3O_, Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ and YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Superconductors
- Low-Temperature Synthesis of YBa_2Cu_3O_ and YBa_2Cu_4O_8 by Sol-Gel Method
- Synthesis of YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Powders by Sol-Gel Method under Ambient Pressure
- Growth Mechanism of YBa_2Cu_4O_8(124) Phase in Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Film
- The 124 Phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O Films Fabricated by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Neutron Diffraction Study of the Ferromagnetic Copper Oxide La_Ba_CuO_5
- Surface Electronic Properties and Atomic Images of the As-prepared Nd_1Ba_2Cu_3O_y Single Crystals
- Flux Pinning and Weak Link Structure in Ca-Doped LaBa_2Cu_3O_
- Half-Unit Cell Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films
- X-Ray Chemical Analysis of an YBa_2Cu_3O_x Thin Film by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS)
- Novel Chemical Analysis for Thin Films: Scanning Electron Microscopy & Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS)-X-Ray Take-Off Angle Effect
- In Situ Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Technique with Pure Ozone
- Study on the Preparation and the Physical Properties of a 110 K (Bi, Pb)_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y Superconductor
- Effect of UV Light Irradiation on the A-Axis Orientation Mechanism for Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Films Prepared by Laser Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Preparation and Characterization of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films Containing an Excess Amount of Cu by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Excimer Laser-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of Metal-Oxide Thin Film from β-Diketone Complexes
- In Situ Optical Monitoring of Growth Rate and Surface Roughness of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films in Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Synthesis and Properties of YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Superconductor by Aerosol Flow Reacting Method
- Deposition Pressure Effects on the Laser Plume of YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Fabrication of YBaCuO-Josephson-Junctions on MgO-Substrates Damaged by a Focused Ion Beam Prior to Film Deposition
- High-Temperature Superconductivity
- SSDM 30th Anniversary Memorial Talk, Past, Present and Future of Solid State Devices