The 124 Phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O Films Fabricated by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1991-03-01
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, ISTEC
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, ISTEC
Yamada Yuh
National Research Institute For Metals
Yamada Y
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Yamaguchi University
Hayashi Harumi
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity
Sugawara Kazushi
Superconductivity Research Laboratory, International Superconductivity Technology Center
Hayashi H
Association Of Super-advanced Electronics Technologies (aset):(present Address)process & Manufac
Shiohara Y
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Shiohara Y
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology The Castings Research Lab. Waseda Univ.
Shiohara Yuh
Superconducting Research Laboratory Istec
Yamada Yasuji
Superconductivity Research Laboratory Division Viii International Superconductivity Technology Cente
Sugawara Kazushi
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Tanaka Shoji
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
- Coil development using YBCO tape coated conductor for power applications (特集 電力・エネルギー分野,環境分野における超電導技術)
- Magnetic Properties of 40 K Class Oxide Superconductor (Gd, Ce)_4(La, Ba, Sr)_4CU_6O_
- Nucleation and Growth in Undercooled Melts of Bulk-Metallic-Glass Forming Zr_Ni_Al_ Alloy
- Superconducting Thin Films of "Infinite-Layer" Sr_Nd_xCuO_y Synthesized by Pulsed-Laser Deposition
- Characterization of a Twin-Free Orthorhombic YBa_2Cu_3O_x Crystal
- Critical Current Density-Magnetic Field Curve for Untwinned Orthorhombic Nd_Ba_Cu_3O_ Single Crystal and Its Microstructure
- Effect of Heat Treatment on Critical Current Density-Magnetic Field Curve for YBa_2Cu_3O_ Single Crystal and Its Microstructure
- Correlation between Film Thickness and Critical Current Density of Sm_Ba_Cu_3O_ Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition : Superconductors
- Magnetic and Transport Properties of Ternary Chalcogenides, BaMS_3 (M=V, Nb, Ti)
- Raman Scattering Spectra of (Sm_Ce_)_2(Ba_Sm_)_2Cu_3O_9
- Large Levitation Force due to Flux Pinning in YBaCuO Superconductors Fabricated by Melt-Powder-Melt-Growth Process
- Fracture Toughness of YBaCuO Prepared by MPMG Process
- TEM Observation of Interfaces between Y_2BaCuO_5 Inclusions and the YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Matrix in Melt-Powder-Melt-Growth Processed YBaCuO
- Direct Observation of Flux Behavior in High-T_c Oxide Superconductors Using The Faraday Effect of Iron Garnet Films
- Critical Current Densities of Y_Ca_xBa_2Cu_4O_8 (x=0 and 0.1) Superconducting Ceramics
- Phase Stability and Decomposition of Superconductive (Y_Ca_x)Ba_2Cu_4O_8 (0≦x≦0.1)
- Structure, and Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Nonsuperconducting BiVS_3 and BiNbS_3
- Tetragonal-Orthorhombic Structural Phase Transition in the (Gd_Ce_)_4[La_(Ba_La_x)_]_4Cu_6O_z System
- Preparation and Properties of Superconducting [La_Ln_Ba_Sr_Ce_]_8Cu_6O_z (Ln=Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho and Y)
- High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Defects in YBa_2Cu_4O_8
- Preparation and Superconducting Properties of [Ln, Ce, (Ba_Sr_x)]_8Cu_6O_z (Ln=Nd, Sm and Eu)
- Pressure Effects on T_c of Superconductor YBa_2Cu_4O_8
- The Phase Decomposition of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Induced by HIP
- A new method for preparing plan-view TEM specimen of multilayered films using focused ion beam
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- New Magnetic Phases in the R-Cu-O (R=Tm and Y) Systems
- A Missing Link is Found: a Novel Homologous Series of Superconducting Pb-Based Cuprates
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- Excitonic Emission in GaN Films on AlN Substrates Using Microwave-Excited N Plasma Method
- Fabrication of Fe-Te-S Superconducting Epitaxial Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition
- Effect of c-Axis-Correlated Disorders on the Vortex Diagram of the Pinning State
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- Drastic Increase in the Toughness of Structural Relaxed Hypoeutectic Zr_Cu_Al_ Bulk Glassy Alloy
- Relations between the thermal and mechanical properties of cast Zr-TM-Al (TM: Cu, Ni, or Co) bulk glassy alloys (Special issue on bulk metallic glasses: selected papers from the fifth international conference on bulk metallic glasses (BMGV))
- Fatigue-Strength Enhancement of Cast Zr_Cu_Al_ Glassy Alloys
- Relaxation and Crystallization Behavior of the Zr_Cu_Al_ Metallic Glass
- Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Cast Zr_Cu_Al_ Glassy Alloys by Structural Relaxation
- Characterization of Crystalline Inclusions in Cast Bulk Zr-Cu-Ni-Al Glassy Alloy
- Effect of Ni Addition on Fatigue Properties of Bulk Glassy Zr_Cu_Al_ Alloys
- Electron Beam Welding of Zr_Cu_Ni_Al_ Bulk Glassy Alloys
- Relationship Between the Liquidus Surface and Structures of Zr-Cu-Al Bulk Amorphous Alloys
- Oxygen Embrittlement and Effect of the Addition of Ni Element in a Bulk Amorphous Zr-Cu-Al Alloy
- Rotating-Beam Fatigue Properties of Pd_Cu_Ni_P_ Bulk Glassy Alloy
- Enhancement of Ductility and Plasticity of Zn_Cu_Al_Ni_5 Bulk Glassy Alloy by Cold Rolling
- Growth of a Single Al_Cu_Fe_ Icosahedral Quasicrystal Using the Czochralski Method and Annealing Removal of Strains
- Fatigue Properties and Microstructures of Zr_Cu_Al_Ni_5 Bulk Glassy Alloys
- Preparation of Large Grained AL_Cu_Fe_ Icosahedral Quasivrystal Directly from the Melt
- Growth of Icosahedral Single Quasicrystal and 1/1-Cubic Approximant Single Crystal in an Al-Li-Cu Alloy System by the Czodhralski Method
- Nanocrystalline Zr-Based Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Flexural Strength
- Rotating-Beam Fatigue Strength of Pd_ Cu_ Ni_ P_ Bulk Amorphous Alloy
- Effect of Structural Disorder on the Superconductivity in Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_
- Characteristics of the Spin Fluctuation in Tl_2 Ba_2 Ca_2 Cu_3 O_
- Effect of Temperature and Oxygen Pressure on Preparation of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Thin Films by Metalorganie Deposition
- Effect of Annealing Conditions on the T_c of the Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ Superconductor
- Preparation of YBa_2Cu_3O_ and YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Thick Films by Gas Deposition Using Fine Powders
- Bi-Based Superconducting Thin Films Prepared by a Combination of Metalorganic Deposition (MOD) and a Diffusion Process
- Phase Diagram of YBa_2Cu_3O_, Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ and YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Superconductors
- Low-Temperature Synthesis of YBa_2Cu_3O_ and YBa_2Cu_4O_8 by Sol-Gel Method
- Synthesis of YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Powders by Sol-Gel Method under Ambient Pressure
- Enhancement of Flux-Pinning in Epitaxial Sm_Ba_Cu_3O_y Films by Introduction of Low-T_c Nanoparticles
- A 0.7-μm-Pitch Double Level Al Interconnection Technology for 1-Gbit DRAMs using SiO_2 Mask Al Etching and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition SiOF
- A Reliable Double Level Interconnection Technology for Giga Bit DRAMs Using SiO_2 Mask Al Etching and PECVD SiOF
- Thermal Decompositiom of Ce0_2 in Ultra High Vacuum as a Cause of Polycrystalline Growth of Si Films on Epitaxial Ce0_2/Si
- Low-Temperature Epitaxial Growth of CeO_2(110)/Si(100) Structure by Evaporation under Substrate Bias
- Surface Morphology of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films Prepared by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Liquid Sources
- Rare Earth Substitution Effects and Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Current in Y_RE_xBa_2Cu_3O_y Coated Conductors with Nanoparticles (RE = Sm, Gd)
- Enhancement of Flux Pinning in Y_Sm_xBa_Cu_3O_y Coated Conductors with Nanoparticles
- Specimen preparation for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy using focused ion beam and Ar ion milling
- Evaluation of Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Twinned YBa_2Cu_3O_7-δ Film for Prediction of Crack Formation of Various Substrates
- Fabrication of REBa_2Cu_3O_x (RE=Y, Nd) Films on Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia by Liquid Phase Epitaxial Method with Ba-Cu-O-F Flux
- Growth Mechanism of YBa_2Cu_4O_8(124) Phase in Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Film
- The 124 Phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O Films Fabricated by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Growth of Large REBa_2Cu_3O_y(RE = Y, Yb) Film of 2 Inch Dlameter by Liquid Phase Epitaxy : Superconductors
- Improvement of Superconducting Properties in YBa_2Cu_3O_ Liquid Phase Epitaxy Thick-Film by Ca Doping : Superconductors
- Yba_2Cu_3O_/NdBa_2(Cu_Ni_χ)_3O_7-δ Double Layers by Liquid-Phase Epitaxial Growth : Superconductors
- Neutron Diffraction Study of the Ferromagnetic Copper Oxide La_Ba_CuO_5
- Crystallinity of Large YBa_2Cu_3O_y Single Crystals Grown by the Solute Rich Liquid-Crystal Pulling Method
- Investigation of the Crystal Shape Controllability of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Single Crystals in the Pulling Method
- Surface Characterization of YBa_2Cu_3O_x(001) Single-Crystal Substrates for Homoepitaxial Growth
- Correlation between Hall Numbers and T_c in Y_Ca_xBa_2Cu_3O_(0≤x≤0.5) Thin Films Prepared by RF Thermal Plasma Deposition Method
- Growth Mechanisms of YBa_2Cu_3O_x Films Prepared by RF Thermal Plasma Evaporation
- In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Thermal Conductivities of a Large Single Crystal of NdBa_2Cu_3O_ Prepared by the Top-Seeded Solution-Growth Method
- Surface Electronic Properties and Atomic Images of the As-prepared Nd_1Ba_2Cu_3O_y Single Crystals
- Flux Pinning and Weak Link Structure in Ca-Doped LaBa_2Cu_3O_
- Half-Unit Cell Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films
- Correlation between Anomalous Peak Effect in Magnetic Hysteresis Loop and Nanoscale Structure for NdBa_2Cu_3O_ Single-Crystal Superconductor
- Numerical Analysis of YBCO-Crystal Growth in the TFA-MOD Process
- Effect of Volume Fraction on Coarsening of Y_2BaCuO_5 Particles in Ba-Cu-O Melt
- X-Ray Chemical Analysis of an YBa_2Cu_3O_x Thin Film by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS)
- Novel Chemical Analysis for Thin Films: Scanning Electron Microscopy & Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS)-X-Ray Take-Off Angle Effect
- In Situ Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Technique with Pure Ozone
- Study on the Preparation and the Physical Properties of a 110 K (Bi, Pb)_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y Superconductor
- Effect of UV Light Irradiation on the A-Axis Orientation Mechanism for Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Films Prepared by Laser Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Preparation and Characterization of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films Containing an Excess Amount of Cu by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Excimer Laser-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of Metal-Oxide Thin Film from β-Diketone Complexes
- In Situ Optical Monitoring of Growth Rate and Surface Roughness of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films in Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Synthesis and Properties of YBa_2Cu_4O_8 Superconductor by Aerosol Flow Reacting Method
- Deposition Pressure Effects on the Laser Plume of YBa_2Cu_3O_