New Practical Technique for Protein Crystallization with Floating and Stirring Methods
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We previously developed an effective method for growing large, high-quality protein crystals. The method, which we call the floating and stirring technique (FAST), enables us to grow crystals on an insoluble and very dense liquid without contacting the growth vessel, and to stir a protein solution mildly. Our newly designed technique, Micro-FAST, makes FAST suitable for practical use. Micro-FAST enables us to reduce the sample volume and is applied to the vapor diffusion technique. Crystals grown by Micro-FAST demonstrated excellent X-ray diffraction with high resolution.
- 2003-10-01
Yoshimura Masashi
Division Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
井上 剛
ADACHI Hiroaki
Department of Engineering, Osaka University
Department of Engineering, Osaka University
MORI Yusuke
Department of Engineering, Osaka University
SASAKI Takatomo
Department of Engineering, Osaka University
Takano Kazufumi
SOSHO Project (Crystal Design Project), Osaka University
Matsumura Hiroyoshi
SOSHO Project (Crystal Design Project), Osaka University
Inoue Tsuyoshi
SOSHO Project (Crystal Design Project), Osaka University
Yoshimura Masashi
Division Of Electric Electronic And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
吉村 昌弘
Tsuyoshi Inoue
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Niino Ai
Mori Y
Division Of Electric Electronic And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Mori Yusuke
Department Of Electrical Engineering Osaka University
Adachi H
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Adachi Hiroaki
Department Of Electrical Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Sasaki T
Division Of Electric Electronic And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Yoshimura Misao
Research And Development Center Toshiba Corp.
Sasaki Takatomo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University:cooperative Research Ce
Sasaki Takatomo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Takano Kazufumi
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University:sosho Inc.:crest Jst
Matsumura Hiroyoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University:sosho Inc.:crest Jst
Yoshimura Masashi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
吉村 昌弘
Division Of Electric Electronic And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Matsumura Hiroyoshi
Dept. Appl. Chem. Fac. Eng. Osaka Univ.
Yashima Masatomo
Materials And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Address) Department Of Ma
Mori Yusuke
Department Of Applied Chemistry School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Adachi Hiroaki
Department Of Biological Science Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
井上 剛
Inoue Tsuyoshi
Department Of Appied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Sasaki Takatomo
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Nagoya University
Sasaki Takatomo
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
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