Assessment of Tear Concentrations on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. III. Determination of Theophylline in Tears by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry with Electron Ionization Mode
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-06-14
中島 誠
中島 正晴
Sato Shinji
Department of Sport and Health Science, Osaka Sangyo University
Kitagawa Shuji
Department Of Pharmaceutical Technology Kobe Pharmaceutical University
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Niigata University of Pharma
Department of Internal Medicine III, Kurume University School of Medicine
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Niigata College of Pharmacy
Miyamoto Hospital
Suzuki Mitsuyuki
Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
大和 進
Pharmaceutical And Analytical Chemistry Niigata Univ. Of Pharmacy And Applied Life Sciences
Shimada K
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Niigata University Of Pharmacy
Shimada Kenji
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Niigata University Of Pharmacy
Nakajima Mitsuhiro
Minahealth Co. Ltd.
Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Niigata College of Pharmacy
Miyazaki Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital
Miyamoto Hospital
HIRANO Harunobu
Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Sato Shinji
Department Of Astrophysics Nagoya University
Kitagawa Shuji
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Niigata University Of Pharmacy And Ap
Sato Shinji
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Miyazaki Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Miyazaki Hiroshi
Department Applied Physics Tohoku University
Sato Shinji
Department Of Pharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Niigata University Of Pharmacy And Ap
Miyazaki Hiroshi
Department Of Drug Metabolism And Diposition Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Niigata University Of Pharmacy And Applied Life Sciences
Yamato Susumu
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences
Kitagawa Shuji
Department of Material Science, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai 599-853, Japan
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