New Accelerator Facility for Carbon-Ion Cancer-Therapy
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The first clinical trial with carbon beams generated from HIMAC was conducted in June 1994. The total number of patients treated as of December 2006 was in excess of 3,000. In view of the significant growth in the number of protocols, the Japanese government gave its approval for carbon-ion therapy at NIRS as an advanced medical technology in 2003. The impressive advances of carbon-ion therapy using HIMAC have been supported by high-reliability operation and by advanced developments of beam-delivery and accelerator technologies. Based on our ten years of experience with HIMAC, we recently proposed a new accelerator facility for cancer therapy with carbon ions for widespread use in Japan. The key technologies of the accelerator and beam-delivery systems for this proposed facility have been under development since April 2004, with the main thrust being focused on downsizing the facility for cost reduction. Based on the design and R&D studies for the proposed facility, its construction was begun at Gunma University in April 2006. In addition, our future plans for HIMAC also include the design of a new treatment facility. The design work has already been initiated, and will lead to the further development of therapy using HIMAC. The following descriptions give a summary account of the new accelerator facility for cancer therapy with carbon ions and of the new treatment facility at HIMAC.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
鎌田 正
Murakami Takeshi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tadokoro Masahiro
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, Research Center for Particle Therapy, National Instit
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, Research Center for Particle Therapy, National Instit
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, Research Center for Particle Therapy, National Instit
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, Research Center for Particle Therapy, National Instit
Kanai T
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kanai Tatsuaki
茨城県立医療大学 放射線技術科学科
Sato Shinji
Department of Sport and Health Science, Osaka Sangyo University
Fujisawa Takashi
Department of Internal Medicine, Harima Hospital of Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Health Ins
KANAI Tatsuaki
Div. Accelerator Phys. Eng.
Yamada S
Electronic Imaging And Devices Research Laboratory Fuji Xerox
Yamada So
Electronic Imaging And Devices Research Laboratory Fuji Xerox Co. Lid.
Noda Koji
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics Research Center For Particle Therapy National Institut
Takei Yuka
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics Research Center For Particle Therapy National Institut
Yamada Shoji
Shizuoka Institute Of Science And Technology
Kanai T
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kanai Tatsuaki
筑波大学 数理物質科学研究科電子・物理工学専攻
Kanai Tatsuaki
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National
Kanai Tatsuaki
Department Of Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
IWATA Yoshiyuki
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
KANAZAWA Mitsutaka
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
KOMORI Masataka
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Research Center for Heavy Ion Medicine, Gunma University
Research Center for Heavy Ion Medicine, Gunma University
Kanazawa Mitsutaka
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Yusa Ken
Research Center For Heavy Ion Medicine Gunma University
Torikoshi Masami
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Komori Masataka
筑波大学 数理物質科学研究科電子・物理工学専攻
Mori Shinichiro
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics Research Center For Particle Therapy National Institut
Kamata Tadashi
Research Center Hospital For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Iwashita Yoshihisa
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Furukawa Takuji
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics Research Center For Particle Therapy National Institut
Kitagawa Atsushi
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kitagawa Atsushi
放射線医学総合研究所重粒子医科学センター 医学物理部
Muramatsu Masayuki
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Komori Masataka
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Noda Koji
放射線医学総合研究所重粒子医科学センター 医学物理部
Yamada S
Research Center For Heavy Ion Medicine Gunma University
Torikoshi Masami
放射線医学総合研究所重粒子医科学センター 医学物理部
Murakami Takeshi
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Tashiro Mutsumi
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Fujisawa Takashi
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kanai Tatsuaki
Div. Acce. Res. Natl. Inst. Radiol Sci.
Kanazawa M
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Minohara Shinichi
Research Center For Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Minohara Shinichi
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kanai Tatsuaki
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Sato Shinji
Department Of Astrophysics Nagoya University
Yamada Satoru
Research And Development Division Bio-giken Inc.
Noda Koji
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Sato Shinji
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
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- 臨床
- 重粒子線を用いたがん治療の現状と展望(実質臓器悪性腫瘍に対する局所療法,会員のための企画)
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