Clinical Features of Fulminant Hepatitis in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Omagari Katsuhisa
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Nakao Kazuhiko
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki University
Nakao Kazuhiko
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科臨床薬学
Matsuo Isao
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
江口 勝美
江口 勝美
聖マリアンナ医科大学附属難病治療研究センター ゲノム医科学 研究部門
Eguchi Katsumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki University Hospital Of Medicine And Dentistry Graduat
古河 隆二
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
NAKATA Keisuke
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki City Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki City Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki Red Cross Atomic Bomb Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Sasebo Municipal General Hospital
TAJIMA Heiichiro
Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki Rousai Hospital
YANO Michitami
Institute for Clinical Research
Eguchi Katsumi
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki University
Nakao Kazuhiko
長崎大学 医学部第一内科
江口 勝美
Ito M
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Ohba Kazuo
長崎大学 医学部第2内科
Onita Ken
長崎大学 第二内科
Ohnita Ken
長崎大学 医学部第二内科
Mori Iwao
Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki Municipal Hospital
Tanioka Hajime
Department Of Internal Medicine Sasebo Municipal General Hospital
Furukawa Ryuji
Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki Red Cross Atomic Bomb Hospital
Furukawa Ryuji
Department Of Gastroenterology Japanese Red Cross Nagasaki Genbaku Hospital
Murata I
Department Of Pharmacotherapeutics Nagasaki University Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Science
National Hospital Organization (NHO) Nagasaki Medical Center
Matsuo I
長崎大学 医学部内科学第2
Eguchi Katsumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Graduate School Of Biochemical Sciences Nagasaki University
Tajima Heiichiro
Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki Rousai Hospital
Omagari Katsuhisa
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Department Of Translational Medical Sciences Nagasaki Univers
Ito Masahiro
Omagari Katsuhisa
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Nakata Keisuke
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki University
YANO Michitami
National Nagasaki Medical Center
Otsuka Kikuo
Department Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology Nagasaki University Graduate School Of Biomedical Scie
Mori Iwao
Department Of Internal Medicine Nagasaki City Hospital
Mori Iwao
Department of General Education, University of the Ryukyus
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- Clinical Features of Fulminant Hepatitis in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
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- Primary biliary cirrhosis associated with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
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- Spontaneous Seroconversion of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in a Young Woman with Chronic Carrier
- Present status of hepatitis virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan : a cross-sectional study of 1019 patients
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- Autoimmune Cholangitis: Is It an Antimitochondrial Antibody Negative Primary Biliary Cirrhosis?
- Geranylgeranylacetone has anti-hepatitis C virus activity via activation of mTOR in human hepatoma cells