Location of the Epitope for 7D5, a Monoclonal Antibody Raised against Human Flavocytochrome b_<558>, to the Extracellular Peptide Portion of Primate gp91^<phox>
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- Center for Academic Pub. Japanの論文
- 2001-03-20
Kanegasaki Shiro
宮崎医科大学 小児科
Kanegasaki S
Section Of Bacterial Infection Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Kanegasaki Shiro
Kanegasaki Shiro
Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Department of Host-Defense Biochemistry, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
YU Lixin
Department of Pediatrics, Indiana University
Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Blood Supply Organization
Department of Host-Defense Biochemistry, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
NUNOI Hiroyuki
Section of Bacterial Infection, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
Section of Bacterial Infection, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Blood Supply Organization
The Laboratory of Host Defenses, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Ins
Department of Pediatrics, Indiana University
Department of Host-Defense Biochemistry, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
Nakamura M
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Yu Lixin
Yu Lixin
Department Of Pediatrics Indiana University
Roos Dirk
Roos Dirk
Central Laboratory Of The Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Blood Supply Organization
Malech Harry
Malech Harry
The Laboratory Of Host Defenses National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases National Insti
Dinauer Mary
Dinauer Mary
Department Of Pediatrics Indiana University
Potgens Andy
Central Laboratory Of The Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Blood Supply Organization
Nunoi H
Section Of Bacterial Infection Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Nakamura N
The University Of Electro-communications
Nakamura Michio
Department Of Host-defense Biochemistry Institute Of Tropical Medicine Nagasaki University
Kanegasaki Shiro
Section Of Bacterial Infection Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Kuribayashi Futoshi
Department Of Host-defense Biochemistry Institute Of Tropical Medicine Nagasaki University
Nunoi Hiroyuki
Section Of Bacterial Infection Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Saeki Kumiko
Department Of Hematology Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Yamauchi Akira
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nakamura Michio
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Kuribayashi Futoshi
Department Of Biochemistry Kawasaki Medical School
Nakamura N
Nissin Electric Co. Ltd. Kyoto
Yamauchi Akira
Department Of Bioresource And Bioenvironment School Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Yamauchi Akira
Department Of Host-defense Biochemistry Institute Of Tropical Medicine Nagasaki University
Yamauchi Akira
Department Of Biochemistry Kawasaki Medical Schoo
Department of Biochemistry, Kawasaki Medical School
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