Ulsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | 論文
- Observations of Island Structures at the Initial Growth Stage of PbZr_xTi_O_3 Thin Films Prepared by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Photon-Stimulated Ion Desorption Measurement of Organosilicon Resist Reactions in Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
- SOI/CMOS Circuit Design for High-Speed Communication LSIs (Special Issue on New Concept Device and Novel Architecture LSIs)
- Crystal Growth and Magnetic Properties of SmFe_2
- Magnetic Anisotropy of New Intermetallic Compound SmFe_7
- Magnetic Properties of SmFe_3 Single Crystal
- Mechanism of AlCu Film Corrosion
- Profile Distortion Caused by Local Electric Field in Polysilicon Etching
- Influence of Poly-Si Potential on Profile Distortion Caused by Charge Accumulation
- Proximity Gettering of Heavy Metals by High-Energy Ion Implantation
- New P-MOSFET Hot-Carrier Degradation Model for Bi-Directional Operation
- Improvement of Surface Morphology of Epitaxial Silicon Film for Elevated Source/Drain Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices
- Application of Proximity Effect Correction Usirng Pattern-Area Density to Patterning on a Heavy-Metal Substrate and the Cell-Projection Exposure
- Effect of Ultrathin Top Silicon Layers on the X-Ray Photoelectron Emission from the Buried Oxide in Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers
- Accurate Thickness Determination of Both Thin SiO_2 on Si and Thin Si on SiO_2 by Angle-Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Elimination of X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Effect of Si(100) for Accurate Determination of SiO_2 Overlayer Thickness
- Kikuchi-Band Analysis of X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Fine Structure of Si(100) by Precise Angle-Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Characterization of Thin-Film Interference Effect due to Surface Roughness
- Yield Prediction Method Considering the Effect of Particles on Sub-Micron Patterning (Special Issue on Scientific ULSI Manufacturing Technology)
- Test Structure for the Evaluation of Si Substrates (Special Issue on Microelectronic Test Structure)