Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) | 論文
- Design and Optimization of Transparency-Based TAM for SoC Test
- New simple photoemission electron microscope with an energy filter (第48回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2007年11月14日〜16日,東京)
- Analysis of Test Generation Complexity for Stuck-At and Path Delay Faults Based on τ^k-Notation(Complexity Theory)
- D-10-18 An Approach to Temperature Control During VLSI Test
- Design for Testability Method to Avoid Error Masking of Software-Based Self-Test for Processors
- Reduction in Over-Testing of Delay Faults through False Paths Identification Using RTL Information
- Acceleration of Test Generation for Sequential Circuits Using Knowledge Obtained from Synthesis for Testability(Dependable Computing)
- Non-scan Design for Single-Port-Change Delay Fault Testability (特集:システムLSI設計とその技術)
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores (デザインガイア2003--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores (デザインガイア2003--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- Program-Based Delay Fault Self-Testing of Processor Cores (デザインガイア2003--VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会)
- SPIRIT: A High Robust Combinational Test Generation Algorithm (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- Stereo-microscopy of atomic arrangements on thin films using circular dichroism in x-ray photoelectron angular distribution (Invited Peview Paper)
- FOREWORD (Special Issue on Synthesis and Verification of Hardware Design)
- Optimal Granularity of Parallel Test Generation on the Client-Agent-Server Model
- Improvement in Homogeneity and Ferroelectric Property on Mist Deposition Derived Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Thin Films by Substrate Surface Treatment
- SPIRIT:A High Robust Combinational Test Generation Algorithm (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- SPIRIT:A High Robust Combinational Test Generation Algorithm (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- Error Identification in At-Speed Scan BIST Environment in the Presence of Circuit and Tester Speed Mismatch(Dependable Computing)