Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) | 論文
- Very High-Density Recording on Exchange-Coupled Trilayer Magnetically Induced Super Resolution Media without Special Initializing Magnet
- Optimization of the piezoresistive AFM cantilever design for using at cryogenic temperature
- pnp-Type GaAs Inversion-Base Bipolar Transistor (pnp-type GaAs IBT)
- Integration of a GaAs SISFET and GaAs Inversion-Base Bipolar Transistor : Special Section : Solid State Devices and Materials 2 : III-V Compound Semiconductors Devices and Materials
- Atomic Structure of Hydrogen-Terminated Si(111) Surfaces by Hydrofluoric Acid Treatments
- Structural Analysis of Cubic GaN through X-Ray Pole Figure Generation
- Heat-Induced Phase Separation of Self-Assembled Monolayers of a Fluorocarbon-Hydrocarbon Asymmetric Disulfide on a Au(111) Surface ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- Characterization of Polarity of Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxial GaN{0001}Film Using Coaxial Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
- Computer Simulation for Analysis of Lattice Polarity of Wurtzite GaN{0001} Film by Coaxial Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
- Lateral Conduction Model for Intermolecular Interaction of Self-Assembled Monolayers
- Identification of Materials using Direct Force Modulation Technique with Magnetic AFM Cantilever ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- Improvement in Characteristics of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors by Heating with High-Pressure H_2O Vapor
- Heat Theatment of Amorphous and Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films with High-Pressure H_2O Vapor
- Heat Treatment of Amorphous and Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films with H_20 Vapor
- Nanometer Modifications of Non-Conductive Materials Using Resist-Films by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Heat Treatment with High-Pressure H_2O Vapor of Pulsed Laser Crystallized Silicon Films
- Electrical Properties of Excimer-Laser-Crystallized Lightly Doped Polycrystalline Silicon Films
- Hybrid Laser Activation of Highly Concentrated Bi Donors in Wire-δ-Doped Silicon
- C-V Characteristics of MOS Structures Fabricated of Al-Doped p-Type 3C-SiC Epilayers Grown on Si by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Monolayer Nitridation of Si(001) Surfaces