Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University | 論文
- Epitaxial Growth of CdTe by a Close-Spaced Technique
- Low-Temperature Microscopic Photoluminescence Images of Epitaxially Laterally Overgrown GaN : Optical Properties of Condensed Matte
- Epitaxial Vapor Growth of Se-Te Alloy Films onto Tellurium
- Collisional Diffusion in a Toroidal Pinch
- Photo-CVD of Al_2O_3 Thin Films
- Stability of Reverse Field Diffuse Pinch
- Lattice Distortion of GaAsBi Alloy Grown on GaAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- New Semiconductor GaNAsBi Alloy Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Metastable GaAsBi Alloy Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- GaAsP pn Diode on Si Substrate Grown by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Visible Light-Emitting Devices
- Reduction of Carbon Impurity in Silicon Nitride Films Deposited from Metalorganic Source
- Direct Observation of Polytype Domains in GaN using a Cryogenic Scanning Photoluminescence Microscope with Sub-Micron Spatial Resolution
- Improved Electrical Properties of InN by High-Temperature Annealing with In Situ Capped SiNx Layers
- Self-Assembling CdSe, ZnCdSe and CdTe Quantum Dots on ZnSe(100) Epilayers
- X-Ray Diffraction Study of ZnSe(111) Films Grown on GaAs(111)A Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Impurity Doping and Electrical Properties of GaAsP Heteroepitaxially Grown on GaP and Si by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Dense Structure of SiNx Films Fabricated by Radical Beam Deposition Method Using Hexamethyldisilazane