Takeuchi Manabu | Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ibaraki University
Takeuchi Manabu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ibaraki University
Takeuchi M
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ibaraki University
MASUI Masayoshi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ibaraki University
Masui Masayoshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ibaraki University
Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University
Yamanouchi Kazuhiko
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Tohoku University
Takeuchi Masao
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Tohoku University
Fujimoto Akira
Department Of Electrical Engineering Wakayama National College Of Technology
Fujimoto A
Wakayama National Coll. Technol. Wakayama Jpn
- 有機溶媒,ナフタレンの電気伝導に及ぼすフラ-レンド-ピングの影響
- Formation and Characterization of GaAs Quantum Wires at Giant Step Edges on Vicinal (110) GaAs Surfaces
- Effects of Anthracene Doping on Electrical and Light-Emitting Behavior of 8-Hydroxyquinoline-Aluminum-Based Electroluminescent Devices
- Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth of lnGaAsP on GaAs_P_y Substrates (y=0.3l and 0.39)
- LPE Growth of Lattice-Matched InGaAsP on GaAs_P_ Substrates and Low Threshold Current Density Operation of Visible InGaAsP DH Lasers
- CW Lasing Characteristics of Visible InGaAsP Lasers Grown on GaAsP Substrates
- Dual Jet Ionizer for Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices
- Effect of Gaseous Atmospheres on Particle Generation by Emitters for Corona Discharge Ionizers (論文特集:2004年度静電気学会全国大会)
- Effects of Moisture Sorption on the Rate of Charge Decay from Polymer Powder Layers
- Mechanochemical Effect in ZnTe Powder Associated with Grinding