Sekiya Jiro | Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
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- Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto Universityの論文著者
Sekiya Jiro
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Department of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University
Sekiya Jiro
Div. Appli. Life. Sci. Grad. Sch. Agr. Kyoto Univ.
Sekiya J
Department Of Agricultural Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University:(present Address) Depa
Sekiya Jiro
Div. Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Hatanaka Akikazu
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Yamaguchi
Department of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University
Kajiwara Tadahiko
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Yamaguchi
Shimose Noboru
Department Of Agricultural Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University
- Effects of Gelling Agents on in Vitro Culture of Plant Tissues
- Callus induction in tobacco, pea, rice and barley plants by auxins and their analogues
- Non-radioactive Adenosine 5'-Phosphosulfate Sulfotransferase Assay by Coupling with Sulfite Reductase and O-Aietylserine(thiol)lyase
- Lipoxygenase, Hydroperoxide Lyase and Volatile C_6-Aldehyde Formation from C_-Fatty Acids during Development of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
- A New Staining Method for Lyases Catalyzing Cleavage of a C-S Bond in Sulfur-containing Compounds after Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
- Ascorbate Oxidase in Cucumber Calli and Enhancement of Enzyme Activity by Copper Sulfate
- Purification and Properties of Ascorbate Oxidase from Cucumber Fruit
- Purification and Characterization of Mitochondrial F_1-ATPase from Lilium longiflorum Bulbs
- Bule Pigment Formation by Clerodendron trichotomum callus
- Seasonal Changes in Activities of Enzymes Responsible for the Formation of C_6-aldehydes and C_6-alcohols in Tea Leaves, and the Effects of Environmental Temperatures on the Enzyme Activities